
Constance Ng

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Latest answers from Constance Ng

Is it extremely hard to get into NUS ?

well if you get at least 3.8~3.85 maybe yes. but it really depends on the course.. let's say FASS, 3.76 i guess? the IGP is really just a rough guide. but usually it's difficult for poly students to get into NUS lol. like a really really small pool get in..

Oh why is that so ? I thought for poly they will only look at your GPA and jc your a levels ?

i also don't know why, maybe cause poly isn't really academic based? like we have assignments and projects so MOE feels that they should take our o level results into consideration. LOL. for JC only the A Level results will do.

Many people say that once you start jc or poly, your o level results actually dont matter much anymore. is it true ?

that's true, it only matters when you want to apply for tertiary education (poly/JC route). but once you're in it, you can work hard to achieve whatever results you aim for. but when you're applying to university (e.g local u), your o level results matter.

Is APR your interest ? Or you picked that course cus it interests you the most out of all courses ?

yeah it is! i always wanted to do something like marketing. it was my 4th choice cause i didn't really know what APR was about but i'm so glad i got into the course and i wouldn't change anything about it. after i got the posting results, i went to check the course structure and found that it was interesting so i decided to stick with it •ᴗ•

Can give me a rough idea of what you learnt for your poly course throughout the 3 years realistically?

okay in year 1, we learnt the basics of what was needed for APR - principles of marketing, some design modules where we have to create ads and design websites using adobe photoshop, illustrator, dream weaver, writing, speech comm (presentation skills) etc. year 2 was when it got super tough. each semester was split into my specialization - one semester was on advertising, the other on public relations. we used our skills learnt in year 1 to help us for year 2. so for every module, we were given a client to work with. out of all, only 2 were real. but for almost every module, we partnered with a creative/media agency. for example for the module Advertising & Brand Management, i visited Saatchi & Saatchi and worked on one of their accounts (a low-cost carrier airline) so ultimately we had to pitch our idea of this airline flying to HK to the executives of the agency. it was real stressful. we had about 12-14 weeks to work on it. so it was like this for every module. lol. so it was like pitching (presenting) to agency executives who will then give you the grades and let you know whether your idea is great and they may use it. omg one of my clients for year 2 was maybelline so they sponsored us tons of make-up LOVE ITTTTTT. year 3 settled down a bit, we had to our capstone project (final year project, you may call it). we (my class of 18 formed an agency) worked with a real client and a budget on a campaign to promote their key message to their selected target audience. god damn. i would never want to relive my capstone days because my client was 😫😫😫😫 it was tough but we pulled through. so we had other modules like Media Law (it was fun!!! i learnt about defamation, copyright, contracts; super interesting but loads of memory work). i spent my final semester interning at Tribal Worldwide (DDB)!! one of the top ad agencies hahaha. i did account servicing (client-agency liaison). don't know whether i answered your question but this is a brief one. so i graduated with a ton of skills learnt - like using photoshop and illustrator and the beauty of keynote (obviously i'm not good at all of them, but at least i learnt!!!)

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Which sound gives you goosebumps?

omg when people use their hands to rub against balloons. like yknow when balloon sculpturing? can't take that 😖

How to maintain your GPA in poly ? Is it true that many people r very slack in poly ?

just work hard every semester and do your assignments on time and well!!! no eh people generally in my course and faculty v hardworking and determined hahahah i guess it's the nature.

describe poly life please!

it was the highlight of my life!!! really. met a few friends whom I already know I'm going to spend a lifetime with, hehehe. was exposed to the working world because of the nature of my course; hence, I met great and not so great people. had a wonderful time during internship. my capstone project wasn't that awesome but I'm glad I had a great team. and of course, a lot to add to my portfolio. it made me ready for the working world. and obviously, I matured a lot.... and I learnt to juggle between play and work!

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