

Lol bighit is a TS ENT copying SM & YG. But what can we do HAHAHAH at least bh also has their own unique ways. Besides most small companies really seek/search for promotional styles from succesfull companies to move forward. LOL way to go

I wouldn't ever compare bighit to ts tbh... they treat bangtan WAY better than ts ever did towards b.a.p
tbh no idea is truly original lol there's gonna be influence coming from somewhere! as long as it isn't blatant plagiarism and copying, I guess I don't rly care lol I just think it's funny(?)
there's a chapter in one of my ap lit books that says that there is really only one story haha aka one idea and then other things get influenced by it!

Latest answers from angie

angie when you took korean class in school, was it fun? did you use bts as an inspiration when asked during class?

yeah, it was p fun since I never took a formal class and it was nice to be taught all the basics by a teacher and not by myself LOL
I definitely did once when my teacher wanted us to send an example for a grammar thing on kkt and I used suga as the subject (BUT IT WAS HIGHKEY EMBARRASSING BC I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO DID IT)

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