

right in the end of the day i will just throw my money to them. lol same here sometimes i missed the concept back then in 2013 even im into them bcs nmd πŸ˜‚ idk this comeback just happen so fast and in rush but i love the boys so much so im confused why am i upset

yeah it kinda does feel like a bit disorganized, but I think it's bc they're doing their teasers and whatnot a different way than usual! don't be too upset, ok? ;;
haha I think their old concepts are cute/funny when I look back on them and I always want to see them wearing their ridiculous streetwear stage outfits again with a shit ton of gold jewelry πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Latest answers from angie

What process is understood as education?

I’m starting to think all these questions I’m getting r from ask fm

angie when you took korean class in school, was it fun? did you use bts as an inspiration when asked during class?

yeah, it was p fun since I never took a formal class and it was nice to be taught all the basics by a teacher and not by myself LOL
I definitely did once when my teacher wanted us to send an example for a grammar thing on kkt and I used suga as the subject (BUT IT WAS HIGHKEY EMBARRASSING BC I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO DID IT)

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