

1. This is far into the future but I worry for Hoseok when he finally releases a full length mixtape and the catty comparisons start. Your bias, I just realised, isn't super introspective (unless he's tired). And that's okay! There's definitely a certain (trap-influenced?) style he likes&pushes for.

2. It seems very youthful of him? I want to say, I don't know enough about your country's music scene to comment any more. I support him trying, either way. (As an aside, I was wondering why he was visiting Ravi that one time, while that one was dropping tracks off of his own mixtape... Hmm. ;) )
3. Oops. By "your country's music scene" I mesnt the US hip hop current trends. I read this article *[citation needed] of this one young dude who was releasing, like, party music and that he was part of a generation that was easy going (????). reminded me of Hoseok. Sorry for mentioning suddenly >_<
yeah I think hoseok is the type to be a trend-follower hence the trap music (I'm not well-versed in the hip hop music scene, but it seems to have blown up more like the past few years?) which I guess could be considered youthful!
I think no matter what, people are gonna compare their music to other people's music, but whatever lol they're just doing their thing and it's free music
I'm excited for whatever music he releases bc I know he has spent a Lot of time producing his own music, and he's newer to making his own music and even being a rapper compared to yoongs and namjoon, so I feel like he definitely feels that pressure and put a ton of effort to make sure his music will be something he's satisfied with (his only solo track to be released is 1verse, and it makes me so sad ;;)
he wants to basically make a full length mixtape album, and he's been producing it for years and I remember this log (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rwsq0a9_VZoconversehigh’s Video 138956362563 Rwsq0a9_VZo) where he tbh gets really sad about his mixtape and yeah :( he has gotten pretty openly upset about himself and his work like multiple times and it makes me so !!! sad !!! too !!! idk I really hope people like his future mixtape whenever it does drop bc I want him to get assurance that people like what he does and that he's good at what he does

Latest answers from angie

angie when you took korean class in school, was it fun? did you use bts as an inspiration when asked during class?

yeah, it was p fun since I never took a formal class and it was nice to be taught all the basics by a teacher and not by myself LOL
I definitely did once when my teacher wanted us to send an example for a grammar thing on kkt and I used suga as the subject (BUT IT WAS HIGHKEY EMBARRASSING BC I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO DID IT)

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