

Hi can i ask something why peachisodas blogs is it different from u buying any fanart goods...the fanartists spend time drawing pics n she spend time tranalating almost each n everything regarding bangtan. Isnt too distinguish btw their services to fandom? A

I mean, artists also don't give fans' computers malware
I don't care if she has ads bc a lot of those kinds of sites have ads, but her ads are literally out of control and I'm pretty sure it's bc those kinds of ads create more revenue than normal banner ads

Latest answers from angie

angie when you took korean class in school, was it fun? did you use bts as an inspiration when asked during class?

yeah, it was p fun since I never took a formal class and it was nice to be taught all the basics by a teacher and not by myself LOL
I definitely did once when my teacher wanted us to send an example for a grammar thing on kkt and I used suga as the subject (BUT IT WAS HIGHKEY EMBARRASSING BC I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO DID IT)

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