

"But just want to say this: it was peachisodas idea to do this blog and ya u kind of disregarding the amount of time she spends on bangtan n for fans is kind of rude" it's okay to have adds on your blog but she is going overboard...I don't even open her blog for the safety of my laptop

same I can't deal w my phone crashing like this rly doesn't seem like she's ~*~doing this out of the goodness of her heart~*~ bc clearly she wants to keep her ridiculous ads bc she's constantly ignoring people calling her out

Latest answers from angie

angie when you took korean class in school, was it fun? did you use bts as an inspiration when asked during class?

yeah, it was p fun since I never took a formal class and it was nice to be taught all the basics by a teacher and not by myself LOL
I definitely did once when my teacher wanted us to send an example for a grammar thing on kkt and I used suga as the subject (BUT IT WAS HIGHKEY EMBARRASSING BC I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO DID IT)

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