

youre right..ive always thought this was normal bc its not that i talk to "someone" when im in public. its rly a lot like when youtubers rant and film themselves on the cam as if they have an audience or tweet stuff online except that it never gets posted or just writing a diary tbh but its speaking

you're not alone! there are other ppl (like prev anon) that experience smth similar, and I also have unintentional conversations basically just for myself on twitter lmao
I know nobody gives a shit about any of my tweets that aren't about bangtan and esp tweets about my personal life and problems and whatever, but I just like talking a lot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Latest answers from angie

angie when you took korean class in school, was it fun? did you use bts as an inspiration when asked during class?

yeah, it was p fun since I never took a formal class and it was nice to be taught all the basics by a teacher and not by myself LOL
I definitely did once when my teacher wanted us to send an example for a grammar thing on kkt and I used suga as the subject (BUT IT WAS HIGHKEY EMBARRASSING BC I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO DID IT)

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