

Ask @cootyrdz

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What types of guys are you into? 😊

i always say i dont have a type, but i always end up liking the smart, brown Latino with the good eyebrows and the pretty smile.
Liked by: Pir Saib Mert

What workouts do you do to get your six pack?💪

Tone It Up, Blogilates, and Fitness Blenders on Youtube! and i run daily 🌚

What would you say is the best way to deal with a breakup? I'm still pretty hung up on mine :(

work on loving yourself! dont talk to them, and go out with friends. keep your mind clear of it :)

Why are you so gorgeous? I have always envied you and how flawless you are!

i am nowhere near flawless!! but thank you so muchh 😊

What is the strangest dream you've ever had?

i dreamt that my brother fell into a black hole and never came back


Language: English