
❤Jordan Druitt❤

Ask @coreyrash___

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Whoever called me a skirt seriously should have a long hard look in the mirror. Because last time I checked hard blokes don't call other people skirts while hiding behind a screen. :)

coreywrashleigh’s Profile PhotoCorey Rashleigh
What the fuck does calling someone a skirt even mean?
Liked by: Corey Rashleigh

Whoever is being an annoying fuck. You need to piss off and leave Jordan alone about Corey because right now you seem a little obsessed with their relationship and it's kinda creepy.

Hahaha amen! It is bloody creepy!!!
Liked by: Corey Rashleigh

You really hate talking about Corey don't you? It's quite easy to see.

Nope, I could talk about him till the cows come home! I could tell you about his hair, or his eyes or his legs or his nose for fuck sake! Which by the way he doesn't like. So you can go fuck yourself! Cheers
Liked by: Corey Rashleigh

Do you ever give straight answers when you talk about Corey?

I never give straight answers full stop. They are curly like my hair. Its some crazy stuff.
Liked by: Corey Rashleigh

Why do people kill each other?

Many reasons, they may not like that person or the person may have done something wrong to another person. But I kill simply because I get joy out of if. Ever heard of 'The Smiley Face Killer'? That's me.. :)

Why don't you wanna impersonate him? Because you know nothing about him I'm guessing.

Maybe cause I don't want to? Its people like you that make people want to punch you in the teeth. You have no right to go around being a rude little bitch. Especially when you are on anon. Get the fuck over your self princess, one day you'll wake up and realise the world doesn't revolve around your fat head.

Define mighty fine?

The state of looking or being extremely good or attractive.
I made this definition up.. I think I should write the dictionary, like woah! Thats some good defining!

What do you think of Corey's new insta photo of him in his glasses?

"No hate pls" hahahah. Nah I like it, he looks mighty fine


Language: English