Any advice for someone who's going through a bad time?

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It will pass whatever it is you are going through. We think it will never end but it will you will look at it one day and you will realize it wasn't so bad
Remember bad times never last. So don’t give up. Things always eventually get better, it doesn’t seem like it ever will when you’re going through it, but I promise it will. So if you’re going through hell; just keep going.
Prayer is powerful, and divine intervention is a very real thing. It’s gotten me through suicidal times in the past. Pray out loud for help or whatever is troubling you to whatever god or higher power thats good, and you’d be surprised what happens next 😇
Take care of yourself. Shower, sleep, get fresh air and go outside, talk to friends, eat healthy food, listen to music, dance, sing, do whatever makes you feel like yourself again.
And most importantly, know that you’re never alone. We’ve all been there before in a dark place, and it can be incredibly isolating. But remembering and realizing that I’m not alone in these heavy or difficult feelings, and that other people can do it and are coping and have gotten better, gave me hope, that if they can do it, I can do. And so can you
Sending you and anyone else who reads this lots of love, strength, and hope ❤️❤️❤️

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Hang in there. I know it feels like the end of the world right now, but it’s not. I promise. You will get through this.
And I’m saying this from my experience. It’s not easy, but you will get out stronger. Hang in there.

Language: English