Butuh motivasi biar semangat buat UAS sama ngerjaib draft proposal

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Semangat ngerjainnya. Soalnya lu bakalan kangen masa2 sekolah lu, lu bakalan nyesel waktu umur 20+ kalo lu ga maksimal ngerjain uas lu, apalagi sampe hasil uas lu nilainya ga memuaskan. Semangat pokoknya, berusaha yg terbaik, biar bangga dan ga nyesel kedepannya
1. Remember what your goals do you wanna achieve.
2. Remember that your parents really did hardwork to pay your school.
3. Remember that not everyone could be there like you and sit down in the clasroom then got knowledge from formal education.
4. Text your love one.
5. Excercise routine.
6. Meditation.
7. Cuddling with your bae.
8. Do what you can do.
9. Eating your favourite food.
10. Get your test, proposal, draft or etc.

Language: English