Girls what do you think is attractive in guys and do you like it when guys act bad ass

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Uhh this is kind of a weird question but I'll tell you my opinion. I like guys who I can relate to in a way, are funny and don't judge people on the way they look, believe in God, and can be someone who I trust and are loyal. And "bad ass" is very broad. Bad ass can mean multiple things.
Liked by: Allana
nah i don’t haha. i like when guys are genuine - like be a little nerdy if you are!! i love honesty and sarcasm and i love when guys smell good and i’m a sucker for cute smiles and good hands. i like to be hugged tight. and i just like when you get excited over stuff you like! and if you’re nice to your mom.
Liked by: Kouvr atikan5246
personality wise humor is insanely attractive!!!! oml and intelligence, kindness, and communication. if you can’t talk to me about how you feel, not even super deep emotional stuff but if you’re the type to hold in anger at something little i did and then blow up sorry but no. just be like “i didn’t like that” or “that wasn’t cool” & physically i have a hands thing idk why 🤷🏻‍♀️ this is getting so long but bad ass behavior is cool in the right time and place. it depends.


Language: English