
Courtney Johnson

Bby girl thoughts on me? Xxxx

5 (kinda) years of friendship and like thank fuck you are here because I couldn't imagine what it would be like without you! You make me so happy, you put up with all my shit and stop me from making some bad choices ;) you are the only person I can tell everything too without hesitation and even when we annoy each other I know we'd still do anything for each other haha Endless inside jokes (banter...ish?) We have the best memories (too many to ever be able to write down) and whatever we do always ends up being fun and the best time! ;) we are exactly the same and complete opposites all at the same time, how uncannily well we fit together probably scares a lot of people but they learn to put up with it. I love you so much, you have no idea! You deserve to be the happiest person in the world. I care so much about you, when you're hurt it hurts me and I would do anything for you :) Sometimes we have very different taste in people and have very different friends which we can disagree on and sometimes particular boyfriends as well ;) but I know I wouldn't trade you for anyone!!! Not even Zac Efron! You know me better than I know myself and if thats not impressive I don't know what is! Neither of us are perfect and our friendship definitely isn't either but i wouldnt have it any other way because it means so much to me to say that we have been through some serious shit (like really fucking serious) and worked it all out and are still close and completely open and honest about it and I'm actually really so proud of us! Aw look at us kinda finally have our shit together ;) sorry for it being kinda cringe but you should love me even when I'm emotional and lovey-dovey :* plus your taste is guys is usually shit and you're kinda ugly and beneath me... i only am your friend because i feel sorry for you <----(hope you get that reference because i had to change the wording a little bit to be a little more acceptable for others) <3 you're welcome ;) (have a photo)
Liked by: Frances Smith
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thoughts on paddy

He is one of maybe the two nicest, most genuine guys I have ever met and he deserves the best

Language: English