
Courtney King

Ask @courtneyjaade25xo

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They already sell peanut butter and jelly in the same jar. What two other items would you want to be combined into such a thing?

Melted marshmallows and Nutella

To those living outside the USA... how often do you encounter web content that is blocked because you're not in America? What is it? What do you do about that? If you're in America... have you ever encountered content not accessible to you based on your country?

It's usually YouTube videos and personally I find it very offensive 😂

Where you live, how many months a year is it warm enough to walk around in a t-shirt and shorts?

Probably like 6-7 ish maybe idk ahahaha

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Do you believe a person wearing glasses is instantly less threatening? Like if you saw someone you considered "shady" or just someone who made you uncomfortable, then you saw them wearing glasses (regular, not sunglasses)... would you be less nervous around them?

Probably not ahaha

If you sleep alone... do you sleep in the center of the bed, or sleep on a certain side? If you sleep with someone: do you have a fixed side of the bed? Have you tried switching sides? How does that feel?

I sleep on the right side next to the wall

There was a short-lived TV show in 2002 in which the lead character doesn't know anything about himself. Not his name. Not where he's from. Nothing. However, he knows LITERALLY everything else in the world. Every language. Every fact. Every detail. EVERYTHING. Would you want to have this trade-off?

Maybe for like a few weeks or something but not forever

Would you prefer your bedroom to be carpeted or hardwood? Why?

Mines carpeted but I would like to try hardwood!

Hypothetically, how would your family react if you announced you were a lesbian? Whether you are/aren't into women is irrelevant. The question is... knowing your family as you do, how would they react?

I'm pretty sure they would be fine wig it. They are usually quite supportive

What percentage do you use Ask.fm via the computer versus the mobile app?

Mobile app about 97% of the time

If someone pissed you off to the point where you felt the need to resort to being physical, what would be your go-to move? Slap? Punch? Kick? Knee? Something else? Would you go for a particular spot (face, groin, stomach) or wherever?

Punch in the arm maybe or face

Do you wear any jewelry?

Yaas 9 earrings, a nose stud, a belly ring, a necklace, a pandora bracelet and a ring lmao

If given a blind taste test between bottled water and tap water, do you feel you'd easily be able to tell which is which? What about between 'generic' bottled water and the expensive brands?

Lmao probably not

Over the course of your life, how many different homes have you lived in?

I have lived in about 7ish I think

ARQotD: Now that April 1st is over: were you "fooled" today? Either way, share any particularly memorable fool you've been subjected to.

Lmao I forgot it was April fools

ARQotD: What is your threshold for spicy food, 1 to 10? With a 1 being "I can't even handle pepper" and a 10 being "bring it on!!!!"

2-3 hahaha I have sensitive taste buds I think

ARQotD: Do you ever wish some of your favorite movies would return to the cinema (ones you may not have ever seen there) so you can experience them with the true movie theater experience?


ARQotD: Today's question isn't a question but an animated GIF. Please watch it and tell me how it made you feel, and what you thought of it!! ...and yes it's safe to click... you can ask me in private to confirm it's safe, if you wish! http://goo.gl/82LnSq

Awwwwwww that was intense!!!!

ARQotD: A movie exists (#1). Then a sequel (#2). Then what comes next is a PREQUEL (#3). You haven't seen any. Do you watch them in the order they were released (1,2,3) or in story order (3,1,2)?

The order they were released


Language: English