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Describe the first incarnation of GAIL and what they looked like vrs their current design

I could just show a picture but I feel like that would truly capture the spirit of gail's transformation as an oc.
The FIRSSST incarnation of GAIL was this rattle snake w three horns and this swirly thing under its eye. I got it from a dream where I picked a rattle snake out of the grass and was like HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THIS ITS MINE NOW and running around showing people and scaring them because who holds a rattle snake. Though it was a normal rattle snake.
and then I used that but gave him horns and so on and was like. yes. good. Also his name was Crisis.
and then i turned him into a human and his hair was more poof and less lush. and he had the swirly things still and a snake tongue and a rattle tail. and his outfit was BLACK with WHITE ACCENTS he was so badass!!! and he SMOKED i got in trouble for putting him in a middle school art project cause he was SMOKING in it so they wouldnt put my picture up in the office because it had SMOKING in it.
he also liked fire and to blow shit up.
And then at some point I was like. Crisis isnt a person name. So I decided to change it. And his name became Abigail for a while. I dont remember the reasonint, but I then decided to change it to just Gail.
and then he shifted into where he is today!
an irish setter.

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Describe the first incarnation of GAIL and what they looked like vrs their

What ship is the most sacred and has the most babie?

The most sacred ship w the most babie would b Yves boobies and carrick.. tho carrick has so many suitors. He's not even mine. He might as well be i mean hes paired with SO MANY of my ocs!! So it's kinda like I own him.
my oc now.

If all your characters were dogs would that make you a literal animal hoarder? Also what oc would have to be the 1 human to walk them all and scoop up their poop

It would make me a literal animal hoarder. Look at all my dogs. When I was little I used to think about owning so many dogs. I imagined having like a zoo in my backyards except just dogs. Those are my ocs.
the one oc that would b the 1 human to clean up their poop so it doesnt go in their yard...I kinda feel like it needs to be Gail tbh.

if ask met Divi how invincible would they be? would they be liek a triceratops?

kosmicdream’s Profile Photokosmic
They would be so invincible no one could stop them ever. A powerhouse of stabbing.

which of your oc has the biggest tiddy

Good question. Best question. Uh.. Yves has big tiddy. but so does RED. I'm not sure who has bigger tiddy yet

who was ur first oc. describe them

kosmicdream’s Profile Photokosmic
UHHHHHH... I think it was Leif. shes based off of the grovyle from pokemon mystery dungeon 2. except she was originally a boy, and my friend wanted to ship them w their grovyle who was also a boy, but 12 year old me was like UH NO HOMO and made leif a girl. And here we are today!
who was ur first oc describe them

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