
Jeremy Bailey

Latest answers from Jeremy Bailey

What color do you wear most frequently?

blue or black. I wear jeans almost every day, and my work shirts are black.

You guys need to make a video together about raising the girls in two different homes, I think it would be helpful to a lot of people.

I don't know. Our lives are very complicated right now. We are both trying to move on, not so much emotionally, but financially, and mentally. I think both of our hearts are out of it, and we are trying to concentrate on the "smart" decisions to make that is best for all of us. Making videos together is not the smart thing to do right now, because people won't stop speculating about "us." Yes, our lives were out there on youtube for the world to see for a few years. But her and I are very much over, we don't communicate too much except when we exchange the girls. I'll tell you right now, that we both love on them, try to teach them as much stuff as we possibly can, we play with them, we try to teach them the difference between right and wrong. We celebrate their differences, and enjoy their similarities. "How" we do that isn't really anything that a video can show. Just know that although her and I have different opinions about how her and I should live our lives, we have a common goal in raising our children. They WILL be good citizens, who hopefully make way more "right" decisions than "wrong" ones. They will know how to love, to cook, to befriend, to "say no", and nothing will ever make us change those goals.

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Do you want more kids?

I would love a boy. I bartend, and so often I see guys in there with their sons watching the game, hanging out...I have considered becoming a member of Big Brothers, Big Sisters here to get my little "fix." lol

Would you be sad if Brandy had another baby and do you think she ever will?

Sad? No, I don't think so. It's tough when you have siblings that don't live with you 100% of the time though. There are some days that are pretty stressful, simply because my youngest don't understand why my oldest aren't there that day. If either of us have another kid down the road sometime...that will probably be the toughest part about it for me. Do I think she will? Yes.

What's a phrase you use often?

When I'm pouring a drink (I bartend), a lot of times when someone is waiting for it I'll say "Oh yeah, that looks real nice...Oh, and this drink looks good too." Then I give a little wink, walk away, and see him/her shake their head/roll their eyes as they walk off with their drink...

How does your families feel about the split?

Honestly, I don't know how her family feels about it. Her Grandma still loves me, as I do her, and she sends me encouraging messages throughout each and every week. Most of the rest of her side of the family seems to have dropped off of Jeremy's planet, however. As far as my family goes, we are a lot smaller than hers. My parents wanted us to work it out for the longest time. They don't really "believe" in divorce. I know a lot of people don't "believe" in it, but when someone walks out the door with a loaded uhaul, there's only so much you can do. I remember the moment I finally came to terms with our final break-up, a huge relief came over me. I think my family realized this, and have been supportive of both her and I. They want us to be good parents, and I think that so far, we are.

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