
Dajanay Mendes

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Damn girl. You should run for president of your class. You're like a younger Oprah or Michelle Obama; an amazing person with a beautiful mind and take on life. And it's really, really attractive tbh 😍

Thanks who is this ?
Liked by: Harvey

& this is the rest to vv -

Dajanay Mendes
DO NOT ASK FOR NUDES OR SEND THEM. TELL A BOY IF HE ASK YOU NO & tell them to go watch porn like they already do. IF A GIRL ASK YOU FOR A "dick pic" Say fucking no the bitch doesn't need to see anything!! tell her little ass to go some where else with that. Leaning someone on and lying makes you have these problems and then you don't know what to do at the end besides over think and not move on in a positive way. If someone's bullying you , telling you to kill yourself, or disrespecting you or your family you say " I'm happy you proved your point that your an asshole trying to make someone feel bad but it's not working goodbye:)" don't dislike who you are because no one else is you or could replace you the way you are , your beautiful/handsome in your own ways. If you dislike yourself your basically telling your mom that she made a mistake... When she didn't!!! Be YOU! Not everyone else!! "Everyone else" doesn't even have the letter "u" in it so why be it?? Now I hope you can change with these problems! If you want any help Im here and I mean it even if I don't know you I'm still here😊😊

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If you have depression, or suicidle or having any major issues no I take that back the word issues isn't it the word is danger because those aren't issues at all its danger to you and for others. I believe Martin Luther King jr. had a dream and that dream came some what successful one day and then one day it just all disappeared. We all had a nightmare and were living it right now. This generation fucked a lot of people up & making people say "just don't think about it" "who cares" but remember that time when people used to say "you always think about yourself" "think about others" but that's what is making you have depression and being suicidle and over thinking. You feel stupid sometimes because you let someone get to you because you trusted them and told them something you never told anyone else before and you thought they wouldn't judge you at the end or tell anyone well guess what that's one of your problems is trusting someone. If you need help with something and don't want anyone to tell just ask someone for help and don't care if that person tells someone because then more people will help you with what ever you need help with so you can be a happier person. Thinking to much isn't good at all because you end up thinking about the beginning of everything and then once you get at the ending point you start saying stupid shit saying how your stupid for trusting someone and thought you were happy well guess what you aren't stupid your smart because you were happy at one point and you weren't rushing and thinking about the end but here's a hint. Talk to someone that knows you for years or willing to help and know for a fact that they won't turn against you. To all the girls you need to stop over thinking about a boy you know why? Their not that important to you if they lefted you in a bad way plus this is just a start in life and it the hardest to get through. Boys you just need to not be rude if you honestly think a girl is a "bitch" or "annoying" and you really don't want to talk to her just don't keep things going. Girls - if a boy ask you for nudes he honestly doesn't give one fuck about you and i don't give asf if he says "babe" "baby girl" "baby" "😉😏❤️😘" after no fuck that tell him if you were to tell his guardians what would happen!? Then he'll think and if he doesnt block him then or else your going to ruin your childhood for falling for it. Boys- I know your boys and stuff and like ass ,boobs and all that shit but girls aren't Barbies that you can play with because we're a human just like you and you wouldn't like if someone told everyone and exposed you so therefore don't do things to girls and think it's okay. Girls- stop bitching to a boy and maybe he will actually try to care because bitching gets annoying asf and then all their going to say is "true" and some of my friends talked to me about this so if you been through that don't bitch at a boy. If you don't want to be called a slut or fuckboy DO NOT ASK FOR NUDES OR SEND

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Language: English