
Danny Njoo

How do successful people differ from unsuccessful ones?

unsuccessful ppl stop to trying when they failed but the successful one never stop to trying until they success!

Latest answers from Danny Njoo

If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

maksudnyaaahhh....... ?? sayaah gak ngertiii hahhaha

Post a photo of your favourite outfit!

I don't have the newest photo of me, but nowdays I'm prefer to wear black/white shirt, blue jeans/chino pants, bracelet, g-shock and wakai / sneakers
Like this one..

Perks of dating you ?

Well, first I can't promise you a fancy, branded, luxurious and glamours things to you rite now...
So if you find a men that can give you all the things that I was write above, maybe you'll dissapointed with me because you dating the wrong person, but if you find a men that can hold you in any condition worse/good, always support you, respecting you as a lady and treat you as the person that deserve to be loved, you found the right person...

Do you want to be famous?

No! I'd prefer to be a common ppl! Enjoy this life and have a time for le familia and friends

Language: English