
dan slaps

Ask @danslaps

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i wanna make music but im shy asf, any advice

me. fucking. too. just do it because you want to and you have to to feel whole. you dont have to share it if you dont want to.

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how do you think your life would be right now if you had stayed in college?

damn i have no fucking idea. i need to think about that.

Can you have someone record your set or livestream it? I really want to see you perform bloo and window fog

im just coming out for 'cool' during a traks set

so I like a girl but dunno what to say fuck, what do I do Zack fuck help me plz

be yourself u thot. be nervous and stuff its fine just talk to her

I just wanna get hype listening to ya music when I'm a hundred I wanna look up and see the sun red I hope by a hundred I won't be dead But that's only what I said

what is that haha

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i cant tell you cuz i think the best gifts are nice thoughhtful gifts lile think about something she said she likes or idk maybe she mentioned she wanted to get into painting or something idk jst be thoughtful and u cant lose imo


Language: English