
dan slaps

Ask @danslaps

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how do u feel about people who reupload ur music on youtube and people who dont have the money to buy ur music om itunes so they rip it from youtube instead?

i dont mind really tbh im just happy people care

do i get socks with stripes or ones with a cat on??

depends, i usually jst wear solid color socks so i probably wouldnt get either. maybe stripes thoguh idk

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i really wanna come to the pumpkin carving thingy but I think you're so cool I'm lowkey nervous and also idk how to carve a pumpkin

dont stress im lame and also hopefully some kids show up and you can make friends!! also carving pumpkins is easy

what u were like on high school?

honestly i dnno i think i was wack as fuck and said stupid shit tbh. i hate myself pre 18 pretty much lol

thanks for being my hero man. you make me wanna create stuff and inspire people the much you inspire me. you and your art influeces me the hell out. your music is being the soundtrack of my teenager yes idk ok thanks

thanks so much dude i appreciate you

how to don't care about what others think about you?

hard question cuz like i do and i dont. like i always kinda feel like everyone is gnna end up hating me but i still remain myself so idk. i think just figure out what makes you you and embrace it and thats the first step
Liked by: Izzy

where you bought your glasses? i love them and they look amazing on you

this website called zennioptical. they dont make the exact frame shape tho anymore which sucks, i bought a new pair and they fit weird on my face so im like fuckk i need to get some new glasses

You're piece "Projecting" is really good. Can you explain it for me?

thanks dude. its about projecting your insecurities on other people and disliking them for things u dislike about urself
Liked by: Izzy

Why the hell did the magazine not let you wear your own pants?

they get funding from sponsors and advertise the sponsors thru the ppl wearing the clothes or some shit idk

You're changing your twitter picture daily, what's up?

no im not haha i changed it today for the first time in a long ass time


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