
michaela lol

Latest answers from michaela lol

things you like and dont like about yourself?

like - body type (i need to lose weight but thats besides the point), my personality, how i dress i think thats it
dislike - my forehead and my skin and my thighs yah

who are you intimidated by?

tara (she deactived she was a fav tho) and anna i think thats it i think they're hilarious

name some of your fav mutuals

cara brudget claire darian bribri kay nasri off the top of my head but i love all my mutuals tho

What is the least stressful job you can think of?

getting paid to eat a smokehouse turkey panini from panera for the rest of my life

What will the future be like?

go to fordham study journalism intern at a couple magazines until i intern at teen vogue and get a permanent position and just live in the city and be cute thats about it oh yeah and marry zayn

Language: English