
Pemerhati Kaum Awam

Dave desc dulu sy.

Hi ka wellson thank you for asking me a question in the time like this! I suppose you should studying hard ehe but thats okayyy btw heres your descriptionss
Ka wellson andreas kurniawan
According to his name, he is a well person. Smart, talented, oh, and he can sing a song very beautifully hoho. And he is truly smart. Debaters, their friends are great, so kind bc he likes to help me in my homework ehe. I think he shoulda change his name because he is not well anymore, but he should change his name becoming feriwellson, mention that he is a very well person. Chubby, fatty, with a little bit extra fat on his belly making his uniform isn't too fit on his body ehe no offense yah kak. But the amount of his fat is equal with his smartness hehehe so there should be no problem no offense qaqa. He using glasses remind that he is a very smart person. Sometimes funny but i admit that i always tease him ehehe thats because he is like one of my brother (but i wish im not his brother tbh ahahahaahahahahah im jokin') hehe this is a compliment before graduation so don't be surprised that i describing you like this ehe. Can't believe you guys r gonna graduate it's like just a few days ago we met huhuhuhuhu lop lop
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kenapa anak sma1 sekarang kurang ajar sama gurunya? jagomeee kah sampe2 berani lawann guruu edeeeedee 💤💤💤💤


ka apa bedanya will dgn isgoing to be di futur tense?

kalau 'will' digunakan for smth yang pasti terjadi di masa depan dan something that we cannot control atau smth that we predict. Contohnya: it will rain tomorrow, he will be 27 next week.
nah, kalau 'be going to' dipakai if we have something that we have to do, plan, ambition, or intention to do in d future.
contoh: she is going to bea singer, i am going to the meeting begituz

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