
Pemerhati Kaum Awam

dear dave... for advice don't over show off. appreaciate your mother tongue. FYI there is a smarter student then you in smansa kendari her name is evy elfira natasya saputri, she is college in rusia now. she speak english very well then you but she never speak english except in english class.

if you feel like youre appreciting your mother tongue now then why the hell did u use english on me. USE BAHASA INDONESIA BITCH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA so whats the point of dat things u said to me above if urself r not using BAHASA INDONESIA AHA gotchaaa
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Latest answers from Pemerhati Kaum Awam

kenapa anak sma1 sekarang kurang ajar sama gurunya? jagomeee kah sampe2 berani lawann guruu edeeeedee 💤💤💤💤


ka apa bedanya will dgn isgoing to be di futur tense?

kalau 'will' digunakan for smth yang pasti terjadi di masa depan dan something that we cannot control atau smth that we predict. Contohnya: it will rain tomorrow, he will be 27 next week.
nah, kalau 'be going to' dipakai if we have something that we have to do, plan, ambition, or intention to do in d future.
contoh: she is going to bea singer, i am going to the meeting begituz

Language: English