

Ask @daynabrown25

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Why this 🙄 then?

because it's really hard to go from two winning seasons to a losing season and like there's a lot of negativity towards us

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What would you do if one of your friends didn't like your other friend and you were hanging together

i wouldn't hang out w them at the same time, but all of my friends be mature enough to let it go

Does it make you mad Rachel hangs out with emma a lot

no?? usually i'm w them anyway so it doesn't matter lol. she's allowed to have friends😂😂

Do you cry a lot during sports?

i used to be worse, but i've learned to like deal w it better. so no, unless im having a super bad day

Have you ever cried on the field or on the court? lol

ummm, on the side line for sure but on the actual field/court i try to hold it together

what positions do you play in soccer and basketball?

soccer- pretty much everywhere, and basketball- obviously a forward


Language: English