

Ask @declanye

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What's better, single or a relationship? Be honest if amy has deleted her account

relationship is good but so is single, none is better

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sorry to say this bro, but amy looked sexy as fuck tonight..10. Would have banged her right there if she was single!


you never answer my questions so im just not going to ask any more

sometimes my questions dont come through, im not ignoring them on purpose! if its a vr to do with amy then i'll answer them when im with her!!

What's a good romantic gesture to do for a girl?

go to the cinema or for a meal or go for a long walk

advice for someone going to ask a girl out?

just come straight out with it, but make sure its face to face

I saw you and amy one time in ellon walking along the river and you two are seriously adorable


do you think the words 'i love you' are said to easily/ much/ quickly these days?

i think the words are meaninglessly thrown around


Language: English