
Adeline DeClercq

What was the last thing that made you mad?

The fact that people think the women's march was just a tantrum. Just because trump is now president wasn't the only reason for this protest. It's the fact that women get paid less than a man does, that our opinions & voices get push to the side. That we are seen as objects & are shamed for being positive about our bodies & showing them off however we damn well want too! It's about how the globe & people from all around came together to get their voices heard. Nothing has happened like this in a long time, the amount of people trying to make a difference made me proud to be apart of something so meaningful. Even if it doesn't make a difference, it made me proud to be a hard working, strong, independent women.
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Latest answers from Adeline DeClercq

Where were your parents from?

Dads was born in Saskatchewan, but moved to Calgary when he was little then to Vulcan/champion & moms from Ontario

Who was born where?

My oldest sister & cousins were Vulcan, & the rest of my sisters & I were claresholm. That's just where they live.

Where is your family from? Like everyone whos close to you?

Medicine Hat, lethbridge, Kelowna & champion/Vulcan.

Language: English