

Ask @dekwanidek

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anyone know what to do , i tgh tggu result spm, pastu bosan gilaa 😭😂 help mee guys😂

Keje la tak pon masuk giat mara ke

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korg pernah rasa tak;Nak berubah means berubah kearah benda yang baik.Kadang rasa dah serik sgt buat dosa.Hati nekad nak berubah end up korg berubah tapi kadang still buat maksiat lagi.Hati korang rapuh. So apa yang korg buat utk kuatkan balik hati korg?Apa yang korg peggan bila korg down?

Nak berubah kene slow slow, baru kite rase nikmat penghijrahan tu 😊 and ape yg selalu i pegang, "berubah kerana Allah, ignore ape yg orng ckp, sbb dosa pahala kite Allah yg buat, bkn diorang " and lagi satu " bile kite jage ibadah kite, ibadah kite jage kite balik. So tak kirelah kite still buat maksiat cane sekalipun, ibadah jage lah. Sbb lame2 hati akan lembut untuk ibadah dan takutkan dosa " semoga membantu anda 😊😊😊

How to love n respect to someone that always hurt u physically n mentally but at the same time kita kena hormat dia. ????

fie_nad’s Profile PhotoAn
It takes time. U should asingkan diri u dari die. But it doesnt mean u putuskan sillaturrahim, tpi just asing kan buat seketika or maybe lame. U have value remember that. Dont let toxic ppl makes u down.
Liked by: An

Hai nak tanye, klau sekarang I ambek aliran akaun tapi I tak minat sangat, boleh ke i ambek aliran sastera sekiranya i sambung study i kat uni ke? Or aliran lain lain mcm sains tulen wlaupun takde basic?

Sastera tu blh, tapi nak amek sains tulen tu peluang die tipis

Mcm mana nak siapkan nota sej 1 bab dlm 1 hari? Sbb sej f4 & f5 i buat nota dri buku teks sbb kebanyakannya suruh ambil note dri buku teks. Share lah tips ke? thanks a lot~

Amek isi penting and bnyk kan buat peta minda and buat ayat sendiri kasi senang fhm dan ingt

i've been wanting to watch anime for so long but i couldnt find one bcause i never watch anime for so long too. haha can u recommend me any anime that is your fav or just random so i can watch it? since im new,and im a newbie,can u please,by any chance drop the link where i can watch anime. thanks.

ive been wanting to watch anime for so long but i couldnt find one bcause i

How do I move on from a relationship which was almost 2years. Pls reply in English

It is hard i know. I am not really sure if my method works for u or not, but if i was u, i will figure out my ex's weaknessess and try to remember his/her mistakes.

Sape pernah keje kedai baju mcm f.o.s ke padini ke? Cemana nak jaga fitting room do? Ajarkan. Maaflah aku budak baru lagi, aku tk paham dorg ajar, hm

Aku jage fitting room just pagi2 dtng keje lap cermin sapu lantai dah arh tu je pastu customer nak try baju kite tunggu arh

Saya minat pasal bio, tapi x ambek biology, saya minat ngn engineering tapi x ambek Lk, saya ambek acc, saya minat semua.... tapi x tau nk ambek kos ape

Bljr je dulu nnti tau lah minat ape
Liked by: Zia.

How it feels to love your friends ? Just a normal love bukan cinta sejenis ke apa.

U care abt ur friend and u dont want her/him to have anxiety and u always suppport her/him and being her/his motivation booster.


Language: English