

Ask @depn24

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Udah takdir kakaa itu loo.. Kuliah dimana ka? Tiap hari sibuk nih kakanya😂 Yaa sih.. tiap orang punya bakat beda²,.. Iyaa, sulit bgt biar sntai waktu didepan banyak orang.. tips dunk ka biar pd klo didepan banyak orang😆

lelanisa416’s Profile PhotoTiktaktoch
kuliah di unesa hehe,
engga kok gak sesibuk ituu😂
tipsnya, mungkin lebih sering latihan dan ya nyoba aja gitu ngmng didepan orang. karna guru yg terbaik itu pengalaman. jd klo km udh sering nyoba dan jadiin itu sbagai pengalaman, km bakal bisa improve dirimu sndiri heheh, semangattt
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+6 answers in: “Mutualan ig kuy.. sebutin ig kalen disini, nanti aku follow.. jan lupa follback dalam waktu 3x24 jam yaa😘 Salam kenal”

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kalo di suruh milih, kamu lebih milih dikhianati oleh sahabat atau mengkhianati sahabat?

klo bisa sih ya ga dua2 nya wkwkw.
tp klo hrs milih mending sy aja yg dikhianatin, yakali sy pgn ngehianatin sahabat sndiri hehe
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Do You Hate Your Ex?

absolutely no.
how can i hate my ex whereas I was very happy with him. I'm not a hypocrite. Some mistakes may occur, but that does not make us have to hate it and forget the good things that are in it.
he still the best at that time brow.
he is my ex, yes we have parted our ways, we are no more together.
sometimes things don't work out, no matter how hard you try to save the relationship.
but all our wishes don't come true. do they?
yes, he is my ex. but that doesn't mean now i have a right to poin his character, abuse him, spread dirty rumours about him, say cheap things about his friend and his family
he is my ex now, but there was a time when every part of mine belonged to him.
he was the only boy with whom i wished to grow old, whom i wanted to give all the happiness, enjoy his madness.
beuh niat banget saya jawabnya niy:(

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