

Ask @devandagh

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What is your favorite story your parents told you?

when my mom told me that she used to have a dog with her siblings in her hometown and they all loved it but my grandfather aka her father doesn't like dogs at all so every time he comes home, they would all hide it in some different places every time and my grandmother aka her mom helps them hide the dog behind my grandfather, and then one day, out of nowhere, the dog walked to my grandfather and then asked to play so then my grandfather plays with him so in the end and then my mother and the others find out about this and then they all got to keep it hahaha

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How do you communicate most with your friends?

through the power of mind's dimensions and time and all the telepathy power that fuels the activation of it

maaf dev haha desc aku

sherikaaaa heyyyy miss you toooo, descnya baik, ga kasar sama sekali jadi orang wkwk, pinterrrr, anak smansa nih, mukanya alim alim gitu wkwk, gatau kenapa ini bisa temenan sama shifa lol sifatnya kebalikan sama shifa lmao, tribute, divergent fan jugaaa, apalagi ya hmm, rajin deh kayaknya wkwk udahhh huehehe
Liked by: sherinl


Language: English