
Just a girl from NYC❤

Ask @devilcharmer25

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I'm going crazy. It's night now and I feel like my emotions are going to get out of hand anytime soon. I really don't want to breakdown, I don't want this to happen.

It’s okay to break down once in a while, I want you to remember that. But don’t stay down. You are stronger than you think, I promise and you will get through this. We all have moments of weakness and we forget our strength from time to time. You are brave. And I believe in you.

Do you dance like crazy when no one is looking? What music makes you dance the most?

lol I am always dancing like crazy regarless of who is looking. And I really love dancing to bollywood music

What are some of your favorite books?

I recently read Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover and I was up till 3AM crying……… so I would say that’s a really good one haha I haven’t read that many books in 2015 honestly so I’m trying to catch up on my reading challenge but I also enjoyed PS I Still Love You by Jenny Han and Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira :-) And I’m actually rereading The Lover’s Dictionary!

I'm terrified of the future & I don't know why...

Oh honey, the future is a terrifying topic to talk about but it’s also super exciting! No one knows what will happen today or tomorrow, but that’s the whole point! What’s the fun in knowing every move? Regardless of what happens, follow your heart and keep your mindset right and you will be fine, I promise :)

How many people have you dated?

Dating (adj) - Human interaction where two people meet socially for companionship beyond the level of friendship, with the aim to be someone’s suited partner.
If that’s the case, then the answer would be too many.

what do you do when you feel empty? Like I'm not sad, but I'm not happy either. I just don't feel anything. It just seems like everything has loss its meaning for me.

I walk.
I walk for hours, for miles, to places without any destination at all.
I guess that’s one of the reasons why I got into photography. Looking for answers within my solitude. Searching for something outside of my comfort zone, hoping something comes along the way while I’m crossing the bridge or riding the train to spark up the dullness.
I guess I just do anything that keeps me busy and keeps me occupied so I feel like I’m not completely losing my mind.

Do I go with my head or my heart?

Every time I follow my head, i do something stupid. Every time I follow my heart, I still do something stupid. But at least when I follow my heart, I have no regrets.

what are your thoughts on losing virginity?

It’s how I feel about everything else in life – whenever you feel like it’s right, makes you comfortable, or happy. That is the only way to do anything.

he loves me. sometimes

Don’t settle for someone who only wants you “sometimes.” You deserve to be loved all the time.

what if I make the wrong choice what if I choose wrong and blow it with the both of them

You won’t know until you do, and if you do, there are going to be even more options to take. That’s what life is about. You get an endless amount of choices.

This dude I work with is totally hot he has a girlfriend but idk if it's in my head but we be flirting all day I kinda keep it respectful because I know he has a girlfriend but he's sooo cute and funny

Unfortunately, he has a girlfriend so there are boundaries. KEEP IT PLATONIC!

Friends with benefits. What's your take on them?

If you’re going to kiss someone, kiss them once and never again. If you’re going to kiss someone more than once, then you better hope there’s some kind of development because it’s all fun and games until someone catches feelings. Then it gets complicated and messy and people get hurt. It sucks to be the person who gets hurt or the person who hurts someone else.
But hey, it’s your decision. If you can do it, then you do you!

How do you know if you're in love with someone?

You just kind of know. All the emotions just feel different with this person. It’s hella scary but so fucking wonderful. And everything just makes you happy, so damn happy. All of a sudden, you become this brave person who feels like they can conquer the world.
Liked by: Sahrish

Line to finish: I want to tell you that I'm over you. Because I don't want you to think I'm obsessed. But I'm not, I'm not over you. So I'll lie and say I am.

So I watch you move on with your life
while mine is still on hold,
I listen to the words you say
while walking on separate roads.
I watch you laugh at her jokes
while I laugh at yours;
I should have told you that
you’re what I’ve been searching for.

Prepare for all the feels on heir fire! :D the best book yet! :)

P.S. What’s the ship name for Dorian and Celaena anyway?
Liked by: Sahrish

Do you use your library to check out books often?

No, I haven’t borrowed a book from the library in years. I usually purchase the books or have them on my Nook.
Liked by: Sahrish

Your name seriously is perfect! Wasn't your name different before, Why? Always embrace yourself!!!

Well I just changed it on fb , but my real name is Sarafina. and Thank youu :*
Liked by: Sahrish

Why do we always choose to love someone we can't have?

Because for a second, we let false hope get the best of us and make ourselves believe that maybe, just maybe we can have the same person we love, who will love us back.
Liked by: Sahrish


Language: English