

Ask @dexus420

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I am an anon relatively new to the game

I wouldn't mind giving some advice, but a lot of this game you're really going to have to figure out by yourself in the end not matter what anyone tells you.

Can I perhaps pm u in-game regarding streaming stuff and the muscles n all ? I would love to hear u out if u wouldn't mind

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why happened to my rank and accuracy? it got reset i think

Pp recalculations? Do not worry about rank; just play the game and have fun. People make rank out to be some sort of chore when it really is trivial.

why dont you log into osu? its not really changing anything being offline.

When I play offline I feel less stressed and I don't have to worry about Permanent stuff.

im reading your ask in class and theres aome annoying kid next to me. how do o deal the pain of not knowing how to scramble efgs?

I cry because I will never know how to scramble efgs.

I just have to say that I agree wholeheartedly with the advice you give in the osu! forums and really like how you're trying to improve the community instead of just saying, "play HR+NF all dai". Are you going to get a new tablet pen or are you done for good? :c

I fixed my tablet pen. I'm not giving up. I'm just going to keep playing offline and will return to the public eyes when I've gotten to a reputable status. Call me a panzy ass person if you'd like for doing this, or even call me crazy if you'd like. I'm going to keep playing this game how I want to play it and I will continue to support others with advice if they request it. If they wish to believe me or not it's up to them.

did you leave you stream on while you slept and had cookie clicker on?

Yeah. People were listening to the music I had playing, so I left it on. It didn't make a difference to me.

dexus i love you is there a cure for that

It's a cut-throat world working in the otolaryngologist's office.

So, should i start jacking it with my left hand and not my right hand to help me get better at streaming?

In theory it should work.

Thanks for the answer, if you feel like going on about the instruments the sure. If not the thanks anyways!

Learning music theory and the way notes are played out is pretty useful. Look into mapping, how maps are made, and mapping criteria. Having an idea of how the stuff you play is actually made is helpful. Really though it's not complicated. Practice is all I really can advise.

Any tips for streaming faster?

Find maps with lots of 3x and 4x notes ( lots of streams with rest notes inbetween ). Get the map speed changer and increase the speed of them to a BPM range you're not mashing out of desperation and play them all at the same range for a couple days. If you start feeling comfortable then push the BPM 10 higher. Practice single tapping at high speeds as well because the same muscles that move your fingers for streaming are used. You'll develop those muscles as you learn to tap for longer notes at higher speeds. Also do finger/hand/forearm exercises to keep from hurting yourself as you strain yourself more. If you're doing it all correctly your hand shouldn't be straining but your forearm instead. You should get warm/hot/tired in your forearm. If you feel any sharp pains anywhere stop and take a break as you're hurting yourself and could do permanent damage. I looked up a lot of how to increase finger speed for instruments and I've found so much I could just keep going on and on, but if you want to hear more just ask.

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how the hell does one sprain their finger playing osu... seen it a couple times now where people said they did

Not knowing what the hell they're doing and mashing like a mothafucka. That's how, their finger probably gave way and their arm did the deed.

Why did Cookiezi retire?

No idea. He a) got bored of osu! b) got fed up with the community c) has more important things to take care of. I don't know his real reason, but those are my guesses.


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