
Dhiandra Safira☃

Ask @dhirasafira

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wkwk ajarin biar pake rok yg baik dan benar ya dhir biar jadi muslimah yg baik gitu huehehe

dengan senang hati! tp gue cuma bisa semangatin aja palingan fiiii hehehe ayo pake rok kalo sekolah bisa kenapa ketempat lain gabisaaa, kan dalmnya bisa pake legging/celana haha pelan-pelan aja dulu fiii sekali-sekali duluu ;)
Liked by: Hafia Ruhma

describe and impersonate gue dong dhirrr hehehe

Hafia Ruhma
Fia tuh....
- Hijaberrrrrr
- Gakmau dipanggil ruhmaH
- Tomboy
- Belum bisa pake rok gitu haha karena tomboynya
- Sahabatnya Firly
- Suka MU juga kayak Firly
- Anaknya asik bgt!!!
- Kakak OSIS zupersibuq
impersonatenya bingung.....uhm...
"ah elahh"
"ce --- udah belom?" *masalah osis*
*nyariin firly*
*nyariin putce*
*nyariin ajos*
haha bingunggg gue gadeket bgtbgt sm Fia jd bingung nge impersonatenyaaa tapi gitulahh hehe :D
Liked by: Hafia Ruhma

dia mau coba serius...perhatiin aja

gue frustasi nih-_- siapaaahh, lo-nya aja deh siapa....gue orgnya kepoan huft

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anak kelas lu ada yg tertarik sm lu tuh...coba perhatiin baik-baik

Siapa..............................off anon dong tjuy hehe :)

bukan gw, tp temen gw...kira2 lu terima ga tuh?

p l e a s e gue aja gatau siapa dan orangnya gimana, masa nanya gitu aja

Tau ga kalau ada yg lagi berharap sama lu dan mau bisa jadi pacar lu..dan lu kenal dia..

Ngomong aja langsung sama gue....masa iya lewat ask.fm di anon pula-_-

kk 10 fact tentang saya dong biar gaul kyk orang2...

Farhandika Muhammad
Lol okaaayyy
1. Kakinya baru patah guys :( gws han :(
2. Hampir selalu ngomongin mantan-mantannya
3. Kelas X nya dia 10 besar, kelas XI engga gara-gara Suci emang dasar doi perebut peringkat orang (ampun ci :/)
4. Pernah nge-stalk gue.....
5. Dia punya blog! Isinya banyak cerita-cerita karangan diaa
6. Wakil ketua kelas XI ipa 3
7. Jaketnya kalo gak yang item-abuabu-putih,ya yang kuning itu. Hampir selalu dipake ke sekolah
8. Anak futsal
9. Hp nya baroeee Samsung apa ya lupa tp kemaren masuk-masuk pk hape flip jadul gt-_-
10. Dia single tuh. Yah berani, deketin aja. Tapi saingan dulu sm anak kls 10 HAHA
Nih bonus pap buat fans2 nya Farhaannn

msh ada rasa yaaa samaa dimaas? hayooo pasti seneng bgt tuh kemareen

Demi Allah enggak-____- sumpah kemaren biasa aja tuhan help me

What do you think will be the most popular electronic gadget given as a gift this year?

Aha i think iPhone5s/c, iPad mini, GoPro cameras probably... or any other Apple stuff.

Gurl don't feel like that about yourself. "A guy like him is too good for s girl like me"? You're fucking pristine that's what I'm telling you, you're a imperfectly beautiful piece, you're not damaged. You'll find somebody better FOR YOURSELF. The same goes to koray. That's for sure.

NDEE calm down alright everyone would wish for the better tomorrow right? I do wish the best for him and myself though, that's for sure

why did you guys break up?

First of all I'd knew that we would be better as friends. He's fun, he's caring, he's lovely, you tell me. And I always consider him as a brother because of just how caring he is. And considering I've always wanted a brother. All this time I have been giving him some 'indirects' to tell him that I want us to be just friends because this relationship is just so awkward, but he never got it. And if any of you have ever experienced a long-distance-relationship for more than 6 months, you will understand how hard it is. I did trust him though, and he trusted me too, so much that it hurts once I saw a guy that attracts my attention. I'd always straightly thought of him, but it doesn't make me happy. It hurts me. It hurts to know how much he loved and trusted me and I feel like a very bad person to do such things. And that does not at all make me happy. I don't know but I don't think I'd be in a relationship for only God knows how long because currently, I hate serious relationships. I know I'm not ready to start one yet. AND currently I'm not in love with ANYONE. I do have a little crush, yeah, but that's still so far from the word love.
Yesterday I clear everything to him and I was expecting some kind of "why?" "please, dont" "no dhira please" or stuffs but all he said was "anything to make you happy." and I heard it as a yes. He had accepted that we are better as only friends.
FYI: we've been friends for 2 years, and only I and he know how good friends we are, how fun can we be.
Koray I love you okay, as a bestfriend. You're my best friend. Thank you for those last 6 months. And I'm terribly sorry if I ever (or even still) hurt you. Trust me I didn't mean to. Heck I would never ever hurt my friends. Only you understand my position right now, and please stay with me as my best friend, I love that friendly relationship of us.

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bcs gasuka sejarah dan BENCI ekonomi. bcs CINTA biology dan suka math dan fisika dan kimia dikit. bcs mau jd dokter bcs mau jd arsitek bcs mau jadi system analyst(IT) dah yaaa


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