
Dhiya Muthiah

Ask @dhiyamg

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Pengen berjuang buat dia tapi masih banyak hal selain cinta yg mesti dilakukan lagian dianya juga b aja ke saya ?

Nobody’s forcing you to keep trying. If you think she’s not worthy of any of your sacrifices, if you dont really meant to fight for her. Then dont.
And here’s more to my thought. For love (to me) is about, purity, sincerity, and for the sake of Allah subhanahuwata’ala, I dont really think that you love her. If you think the purpose of loving someone is to be loved back then its too shallow for you to claim it as love. For love is pure at heart and sincere in action, it wont ask for return. But again, who am i to judge right? He he.
Then second, i dont think that you have tried enough. For hard work betrays none.
Also when you involved Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala through your journey, you know no hard work is a waste. For Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala is the All Knowing (Al-Aleem) yet the Utterly Just (Al Adl),
“what’s meant for you will never misses you, and what misses you was never meant for you.” - Imam Ash-Shafi’i
Lastly, be grateful though your love wasnt reciprocated. To love someone is a privilege, the prove that your heart possesses the capacity to feel tenderness of such magnitude. You should consider yourself lucky, blessed, and honored??? (quoted from tom robbin: tibetan peach pie)
Again, it was just my thought☺️.
(Judge me for being naive, but whatever?)

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apa perlu mengungkapkan perasaan duluan untuk menyadarkan seseorang?

Wkwk, do what you want to do, as long as it makes u happy. Life’s too short to make regrets. But also realize that every action comes with a risk, and if you’re okay with the risk, then what else are u waiting for? Go for it.
Liked by: L1la

Lagu fav akhir akhir ini?

Shoutout to hsmtmts?
All i want - hsmtmts
I think i kinda you know - hsmtmts
Mean it - lauv ft lany

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Kamu suka film genre apa ? ?

Rom-com, mystery, action, thriller, horror
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Bertahan atau pergi?

What is with people?:(:( bertahan atau pergi, percaya meski udah kecewa, nunggu kepastian yang gak pasti, is having a relationship nowadays was this bad?

Suka bunga apa?

Have already answered a similar question a long time agoo, but it wont hurt to share another picture of it:):)
Suka bunga apa

Gimana pendapat kalian tentang seseorang yang nunggu kepastian dari orang yang dia sayang selama kurang lebih lima tahun lamanya tapi sampai saat ini belum ada kepastian sama sekali?

Menurut aku sih sah sah aja, as long as you are fully aware of what you’re doing. Wait for him/her as long as you want, leave them when you think you should let them go already. The heart wants what it wants:):)
Baru juga sekali ngejawab pengen dapet kepastian, tbtb semua orang lgsg nanyain kepastian, wkwk.

Jika kau di bagi pilihan , antara pilih org yang kau syg atau org yg sygkan kau ? Kau pilih mana ? Dan bagi sebab knp kau pilih dia .

Mana mana kau suka aja lah boi ?

Kalo kamu dikasih kado sama orang yang kamu anggap spesial, maunya dikasih apaa ?

Request kepastian dan kepercayaan boleh gak? Heheheh

Paling suka makan buah apa?

Pisanggg!!!?????? Dari yg plg mentah sampai yg paling mateng, ambon, gepok, semua jenis deh pokoknya wkwk

Salah ga sih kalo kita menutup hati untuk orang lain ? karena kita lagi menjaga perasaan orang yang ga pasti?

Who am i to judge someone’s feeling as right or wrong? The heart wants what it wants☺️ But a little advice, please do not turn yourself into the culprit of your own misery??

Apakah kamu alergi terhadap sesuatu?

Never really took a test for it, but so far i have had an allergic reaction once. With a history of consuming two kopi kulo in a row and using hospital hand rub. So those are the suspect hahaha.

Suka eskrim Aice rasa apa?

Cant really choose one, nanas, stroberi, taro, double chocolate, sesame seed. HAHAHA.
Thanks a lot to anyone who ask this question, YOU MADE MY DAY?

kamu tau gimana rasanya ketika hatimu sudah terlanjur kecewa, namun masih berusaha untuk percaya?

It means that you cared, and it’s okay :) even better, keep being “that person”. Keep being the freaking person who tried harder, love stronger, give more, because the last thing this world (including u) needs is one more freaking indifferent person. ☺️
kamu tau gimana rasanya ketika hatimu sudah terlanjur kecewa namun masih

Km suka anime genre apa?

Mystery (conan, detective q, dll) and drama (your lie in april, anohana, blue spring ride, and many more)???
Tapi udah lama gak nonton sih.... any new recommendations? Hehe


Language: English