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tasyawnxx’s Profile Phototsy
tasya warda nabila
kurus (banget) (gendutin dikit sya), pwetty, smart (di pelajaran kalo di hal luar pelajaran suka eror), sayang-nya ayu dan dita💕, 4 sehat 5 sempurna, sushi tei addict🍣
bonus photo: badass
Liked by: tsy

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What's one thing most people don't know about you?

one thing most people dont know about me is;
crying over sehun-shirtless photo
thank you, nice to know you everyone.
Whats one thing most people dont know about you

What's the last book you read?

ini questions of the day apa acara reading program sekolah sih jangan bilang ini yg nanya ms.endang
Liked by: tsy

If you could change your name to anything, what would it be?

papoy, ya papoy walaupun artinya main-an
mau ganti nama karna gue pasti di tanya pa rudi soal "kebudayaan padang" gue jawabnya Rendang.
gue malu sampe sekarang di tanya kebudayaan gue jawabnya makanan khas.

What was your favorite childhood TV show?

spongebob. dulu kata ibu karna gue keseringan nonton spongebob gue jadi bego, jadinya dulu kalo nonton spongebob cuman boleh hari sabtu minggu biar gue ga makin bego.

Put your music on shuffle, what are the first 3 songs that come on?

keep Being you - isyana sarasvati
아파도 웃을래 - 레이디스코드
그러지마요 - 어쿠스틱 콜라보


Language: English