
kuhu dixit

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Latest answers from kuhu dixit

bde bos rjlik w kon da2eman t7t rjlik w 9rmaiek w td3se 3la rase ?

I guess your cat ran across the keyboard while you were sending the question!!!
Will you please send it again in English or Hindi???

if i date u , my goal is to marry u , build wid u , grow wid u , i"m not datingu to pass tym, i see potential in u ....... <3 ^_^ <3 ....

But but but...... The real problem is that you aren't dating me (•_•') XD

compliments are less 2 define u u have such a natural beauty god gifted u r beautiful from inside out ur smile can make ne1 day awesme☺ ur pics have positive vibes peeps r lcky to hve u in dere lyf friendship with u is worth for ne1 repect u more nd more after reading ur answers cn i knw u mre❤ ✌ <3

I might have a better impression of yours if you come off...!! Please :p

better if u don't smile just get your mouth closed bitch

Okay... That's too much sweetness for today!! Baki ki kal :*

i wish i could see your smile every morning so that my day would be awesome with your smiling face in my mind <3 :* :*

I smile at each and every person i meet throughout the day!!
So, you can approach me anytime!!

tbh?ok. im really not good at this thing :P btw, Kuhu your answers are amazing and you too ;) i never knew how nice,sweet and fun loving girl you are until i get into the class X A :P and yeah , you are fun to be around ;) so stay happy 😘 n Neva chnge 😙

Rashi chauhan
❤❤😘 that means a lot!!

Language: English