
Katherine Pierce

Ask @doppelangervampires

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Elena Gilbert.
✔ The worst feeling is when you realize you've lost yourself.
✔ I am a vampire. And i hate it.
✔ I feel hopless, Depressed, Angry and most of all i'm scared.
✔ I--I can't stop thinking about blood. My emotions are all over the place.
✔ The old elena died when she drived off that bridge. Let her go.
✔ This is who i am now.
✔ I don't feel anything.
✔ I don't know, maybe this a better version of me.

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@ChrisWoodRo starter!

Elena was on salvotore's house. She was depressed all the things whats happening and what has happened. She was tired. She walked to take little bit red wine. She takes the glass and pour into a glass the red wine. She takes red wine. When wine touched elena's lips elena feeled love on the wrold.http://media.tumblr.com/940f67be935860200717f2d6409aa9c8/tumblr_inline_miqep03nGG1qz4rgp.gif Shw just danced little bit. Until her stomach began to hurt and felt that she vomits. So she runned on the bathroom. ''Whats happening to me'' Her head started hurt and then she vomits blood. http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140228005102/degrassi/images/7/7a/Elena_throwing_up.gif She was in panic. then she looked at the mirror and fell to the floor. She started to wake up. She opens her eyes. she feels cold on her skin. She thinked where she was. Snow, Quiet and there was no one. she looked around suprised. ''Where the hell am i'' http://24.media.tumblr.com/71ac44cf7a4ff4fc1047c0b641dc1ec5/tumblr_mxqa52BxdK1r29hyoo1_500.gif she starts looking around. She starts breathing fast. she stands up. ''I am in prisoner wrold.'' She starts running. http://media.tumblr.com/a20f29d7e8488cabdedf16927abfd0eb/tumblr_inline_n2786q9qIQ1sbv1n4.gif and then she crash on kai. https://38.media.tumblr.com/f61c5dd8dc38a816de4c7ef9f0626174/tumblr_mm78x69SXl1qje8qmo2_r1_500.gif ''Kai'' She says scared.

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[ http://ask.fm/KatherinneElenaaa/answer/126573559493 ] :D

Elena was walking on the mystic falls she was happy and smiling. She looked some clothes. all of a sudden someone was behind on her and someone said -it's been a long time elena gilbert. nice to see you again.- Elena could not breath and believe that voice. She turns around and gets scared when she saws katherine alive in front of her. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mc26skwD581rufrnp.gif ''Is this impossible?'' Then elena looks at katherine and gives a little smile and takes deep breath. ''What the hell are you doing here?''
Liked by: Selena Bieber

| http://ask.fm/MarinaJoycedeRomania/answer/124993773406 |

Caroline Forbes
Music was playing.https://31.media.tumblr.com/01a379aedba42f0780443f58e615c815/tumblr_inline_n6j842YGgI1sp19po.gif Everyone danced. Elena had a plan with caroline. Caroline hugged elena and elena showed a happy face. ''I can't hear anything.'' She yelled to caroline. Caroline said lets dance. Elena sended text to damon -im here. caroline is here with me- and then she smiles and takes carolines hand. ''Okay! Lets Dance.'' http://media.tumblr.com/c5b8e352c82820165a2fbe189f8b9a7a/tumblr_inline_n6n3ri4p9A1rnazjs.gif
Elena and caroline dances. Elena tryes to smile and laugh because she won't ruin this plan. http://imgs.su/tmp/2013-10-07/1381148964-352.jpg
Liked by: Selena Bieber

// i have idea about 6x17 ? Or he trying to help his brother and Caroline back their humanity with Elena ?

yeah! perfect. send a starter. i hope its not too long cause i don't usually make long rp.
Liked by: Selena Bieber


Elena was so tired. She wanted to tell how lost she is. But Elena was all quiet. She just stared at the sky. She did not say even a word. Selena looked elena. Elena closed her eyes. http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0ztunxBWz1qjl5hfo1_500.gif ''I will tell you a secret.'' she sighed. Her emotions was on the surface. she closed her eyes and a tear flows her cheek. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mau3mqQsof1rwjgec.gif ''I need somebody. Cause i am lost. I am lost.''


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