

Ask @dream_keeper88

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How many meals have you burned when cooking?

I only tried once when I was a summer intern in Taiwan for my BS thesis. Chicken nuggets. And I burned it. Never attempted cooking on my own since then. A few months ago, my sis and I made Takoyaki - they were black during our first attempt haha

If your plane was about to crash, who would you want sitting next to you?

A stranger. At least, my family would be still be alive.

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Do you embrace or fear change?

I get anxious at first, esp if it's something I don't understand. Then, I do my research and learn more about it. Ask opinions of others. I am not resistant to change, but I am not quick to embrace it either ^^

What is your favorite thing in your room? PAP!

My laptop. And then my clay and oven toaster tie at number two. My camera lands in third place.

Do you dance like crazy when no one is looking? What music makes you dance the most?

Yeah. If you call that dancing. Not music. I dance when I'm EXCITED or EXTREMELY HAPPY

How do you surprise other people?

I'm unpredictable. I surprise them without even trying. Sometimes, I do the very thing they told me I can't. Or I put off doing something they want me to finish. But anyway, I like organizing surprise parties. I suck at designating tasks so I do everything - from decorations to being the emcee.

If you could control nature, which element would you choose? Why?

Hahaha! Don't. Just don't. I'm writing CC. I told myself I won't start on that other story until July. Not cool. Gah! I choose wind! Happy?! Because no one can see it but you can feel it.

Oh my god, all dem anon haters...... *^*

yeah~ haha xD Too bad, anons' opinions don't matter.
I wonder why they still bother with me and my blog posts when they can simply ignore them. It's not like I would stop reporting people or posting stuff in MY blogs.

seriously, u do sound so like a pretentious know-it-all sometimes but thats OK thats your thing. just know some ppl don't like that. be sarcastic or whatever but i hope u don't act like that IRL b/c lotsa ppl are prob gunning for u. but u prob don't care.

okay, there's more? having fun, aren't we?

no one deserves hate. to be utterly honest with you sometimes you sound a bit pretentious. just my opinion, though. still, no one deserves hate. unless you're like a murderer or something.


girl please why whine about hate posts when you clearly deserve them

I forgive you. I feel sad that you have to go anonymous to tell me all these. In the end, it's just your opinion about me and no matter how many asks you send, you'll still be here, unknown and alone in your hate, while I'm in AFF having a great time.

Why do you act like an admin even if you're not?

I am so honored that you think what I am doing in AFF is comparable to that of an admin. Seriously though, making guides, posting updates, reminding users of the terms of use, and reporting fics are not admin functions. Those are normal member functions, at least one who doesn't want the site to shut down because of some ignorant people who keep messing with the site and it's members.

[To anon, give up now lol—don't rebuttal further to save yourself from self-imposed ridicule.]

alericrhys’s Profile Photoaleric
[HAHAHA xD <--- ridicule] [Anyway, if you don't want me finding about you and your immaturity, private your blogs. Because anything you say can be used against you. You can express dislike and still be civil about it. And I would like to remind everyone who stalks Keeper's ask that we actually have rules - Facebook has them, Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube, LJ, even ask.fm. What makes you think that AFF is above all these sites not to have rules? Also, AFF is a free site. We depend on ads and investors/sponsors and donations - just enough for our monthly expenses. No one should feel so entitled just because they have followers. We are free loaders - all of us. The site was created for her and he kept it running for her. Show some respect. You wouldn't even reach that popularity without AFF.]
Liked by: by aleric YOOMESBOND

You stick your nose where it does not belong, even writing an entire post, calling out specific users and bringing negative light toward them. You ridicule them publicly, and yet you still have the audacity to play either the mature victim or the great samaritan. For even more reasons, I'm appalled.

Anon, what is, the question? But anyway, since you are too chicken to confront me about this in AFF, I'll answer to each of your claims.
1. If it's posted in AFF or about AFF, made available to the public, for everyone to see, then they are opening the door for people to have an opinion about their post. And express that opinion freely in their blogs without disregarding the ToU. If I ever did cross the line, report me and the moderators would deal with me and my opinion. I am a member of AFF, an AFFer, and I will defend it.
2. I never had to bring "negative light" toward these users. They brought it upon themselves. And by calling out, you mean, telling those who read my blogs about what they have done wrong to the site, the creator and the moderators and to clear up the lies they spewed about the creator and moderators, then yes. I won't sit back and watch people badmouth and spread rumors about the very people responsible for running our site. Someone needs to tell them off.
3. Ridicule? You mean, showing links and proofs on how they violated the ToU? That's not ridicule. It's merely stating the facts as it is. Oh you mean, laughing at the missing star? HAHAHA! Okay, guilty as charged. That one is ridiculously funny.
4. Play the mature victim or the great samaritan? My goodness. I can defend myself on my own and I never let anyone fight my battles for me. I never claimed to be nice. Trying and being are not the same. I am imperfect. I get annoyed at people who break the rules and then claim innocent. I am incensed when they rally their followers. I am livid when they spread lies about the creator and the moderators. My words can hurt when I'm pissed.
I can't do anything about it for I do not exist to please anyone. I only act on what I think is right and if I ever go overboard or cross the line, the report link is just there so use it.

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Liked by: YOOMESBOND aleric

Are there any people in AFF that you wish to meet in person?

If ever I changed my mind about giving up my anonymity, then yes. There's poptart and aleric. I was supposed to meet an unnie but life happened.
Liked by: by aleric

Hi keeper!! You might not really know me but i definitely want to get to know you! ^^~ So first! Describe the perfect aff bestie!

Oh wow, that's so nice of you to say. Affers who read my blog posts has a good idea of who Keeper is. Well, my closest friends in aff are imperfect beings but we get along well because 1. they make me laugh 2. they understand my intricacies 3. we tend to agree about almost everything and even when we don't, we kinda understand each other's take on the matter. In short, we have pretty much the same wavelength. 4. we have lots to say, conversation is never dull or boring and 5. they are trustworthy.
Anyway, you don't have to change to be liked by anyone. I don't have a criteria. I mean, I just came up with those five because those are our common denominators. When we first talked, no one really had an idea we would be friends, it just happened.


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