

Ask @dream_keeper88

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Do you have any nicknames give to you by friends?

Keeper is given by hanichan/chunlocked/Andi one afternoon at the tbox. yuu calls me Keeps. Aleric calls me K. Some call me dream.
Liked by: by aleric

What's your motivation?

The ideal answer to this is passion, the passion to do the things you love. I'd love that. But let's be honest. In this season, do the things I do to prove others that I can do what they say I can't :3

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Shall we look for love, wait for love or forget totally about it?

Wait. But then I'd rather love first. It's like how can you find a true friend if you don't become one?
Liked by: Princess

Does begging for karma share similar circumstances as begging for upvotes? Karma just has more leeway because in some sense it doesn't hold as much value as upvotes. But value aside, would they be avknowledged as the same thing? What's your take on this?

Begging for karma, begging for upvotes, it's the same. Users who do either one are lazy to earn them with hard work. We earn karma points (kp) by commenting in blogs and stories, via subbies and upvotes in stories/threads containing quality content we spent time and effort making. I also gained kp by participating in events (poster paradise giveaway, tbn trick or treat and angelic dreams new year countdown). kp are also prizes in contests. Some users who need posters or beta readers also offer kp for these services. Code layouts, upload them in LM and sell them. Purchase kp. There are many ways to earn kp without asking other users. Same with upvotes. Write. Update. And readers will eventually see that your fic deserve an upvote.
Why do people beg for karma? To advertise. When you advertise, you get loads of subbies and upvotes. Lots of advertised fics got featured. So in a way, karma = upvotes.
I admit that my honest response might hurt other people's feelings. It's the reason why I never blogged my opinion on this. In my defense, I was raised by my parents to live within my means. If I don't have enough to afford something, I'd earn and save my own money and not ask from other people; to not live in debt.
Anyway, there is no rule against begging in AFF. They have the right to do that and if people give them karma and upvotes, there is nothing wrong with that either. It's their life, their choice.

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Liked by: athirah by aleric

What do you think of those who beg friends for upvotes? Requires upvotes?

Those who beg for upvotes or require upvotes are desperate people, wanting something they don't deserve. Pitiful, because they would stoop that low for something that has no impact in society whatsoever.
Liked by: vanida by aleric

If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would you choose?

My soulmate. Ew. Lol. Ah, who? God. But not the last supper... Just dinner so I could ask Him why He made me like this. Haha!


Language: English