

Ask @dreamsoulsailing

what are you most blessed for Paris ?

my amazingly beautiful family. i'm blessed to say i know they all support me & motivate me to do amazing things in life. this might sound cliché but i'm convinced i have the most loving & supporting family ever?

what's something people dnt kno abt u

im very protective of prince when it comes to girls. i have a fear of him falling for the wrong girl one day & marrying her and ending up heartbroken. ill b the same way w/ blanket when he starts dating

who do you think looks the most like your father between you, prince, & blanket?

definitely blanket. i was looking at some pics of my dad when he was young around the 60's & 70's and i see blankets whole face. prince & i also have certain features from our dad blanket just looks like him the most

u r NOT Michaels child! u have blue eyes & blonde hair u r WHITE!!!

my eyes can easily come from either my moms side or my dads side. my grandpa has blue eyes. im in a family full of black and mixed biracial people & im damn proud of it. oh & my hair is naturally brown not blonde, theres this magic stuff called DYE now check that✔️

Language: English