
d r e n a

OF COURSE I WIIIIIIIILL!!!! if you ever ever ever ever need my help at all, with anything (except money lol) from this point til the compet, you can always come to me ♥

CJ Lansang
If I haz Kyungsoo problems, can I go to you too? HOHOHOHOHO! OTL You shall help me spazz. XD HAHAHA!

Latest answers from d r e n a

Ang sabi ko lang naman ITZY or Aespa ( wala naman ako'ng sinabi visual o ano. Nakakaloka! )

I just elaborated my answer.


Falsification of school credentials? What more pag nasa position na yan? Falsification of government docs? Mas gugustuhin mo sinungaling? Really????

Language: English