
Drew Pylypow

Ask @drew_kurtis

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Your a looser bud, that didn't last long. I'm going for lacey

Well if you do you should know a few things about her for starters. The correct way of spelling her name is Laci so you should probably get that right from here on out. She is the most thoughtful and sensitive person with a very caring heart, all she does is care for everyone but herself so if you think you're going to be able to do something for her acting like that then good luck. Trust and loyalty are very important to her and her family is her life. So if you're not willing to put in some effort than you're not going to get very far. If you were to ever hurt her, her brother and cousin would probably find you and take care of you because with them it just doesn't work that way. Laci loves her sleep and is very very picky when it comes to eating so you better take the time to figure out what she likes, oh and make sure to never let her food touch. If you're going to go for Laci you should know that she will care more about you then you ever will and you probably won't even see it till its to late. She was raised with a heart of gold and you can see that just after knowing her for minutes. Also you should know that she has been through a god damn lot in her life and she is one amazing girl because of it so if you don't take the time to realize that then you really don't deserve her either. A weakness to her heart is back massages and back tickles so you better be prepared to sacrifice yourself for her and want to give her all your time. She thinks she's the funniest thing and likes to make jokes and she'll go through this phase where she'll pick on you and tell you you suck just to get a laugh out of it so don't take it personally, you'll eventually want to try and get her back but she'll get you 9 times out of 10. Also you should know that she has a very contagious personality and one hell of a distinctive laugh which ends in a snort and if you're not careful you'll find yourself snorting in no time. If she likes you enough to have you around her best friend Chyenne than you better be damn well nice to her because it doesn't matter what those two go through they are inseparable and have each others back the hole way and however Laci feels Chyenne feels and vice versa. But the last thing you should know is Laci deserves to be given the world and treated like a piece of gold because she truly is one of the sweetest, caring and down to earth women I have ever met. So if you are to go for her than the best of luck but trust me when I say this, you don't want to hurt her and that's a promise.

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