
Yoshefin Devy Saraswati

Ask @dvsrswt

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What song is stuck in your head?

"You make me happy, whether you know it or not
We should be happy, that's what I said from the start
I am so happy
Knowin' you are the one that I want for the rest of my days
For the rest of my days, yo all of my days"
Never Shout Never - Happy

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Who is ruling your mind more this month - good or evil?

both, but the evil ruling most of my mind this month. no-uh, since last month to be honest. it's like 80% evil and 20% good.

What kind of surprises do you like?

hari jumat kemarin sekitar jam 4 sore, kucel, bau, belum mandi seharian, tau-tau masnya ngeline "I'm home yaa", krn lagi nontonin mas Channing Tatum dan mikirnya dia udh sampe dirumahnya (bekasi) jadinya ga bales line si masnya.
10 menit kemudian mama teriak-teriak katanya ada masnya didepan rumah, kaget terus langsung ke teras, eeh beneran ada didepan pager.
kebiasaan banget sok surprise pulang kantor nongol didepan rumah orang tiba-tiba, pake segala nanya "seneng ga aku dateng" haduhh. untung kelewat sayang, kalo engga mah udah ku usir mas, mana datengnya pas belum mandi pula...
Liked by: Wikan Yekti

Who was the last person you met today?

I finally met them after a long long long time. My high school babes. We used to know each other like the back of the hand. We laugh, we cried, we fight together. My bitches from another mother.

malah test HIV 💁 wkwkw negatif lah ya

wikankankan’s Profile PhotoWikan Yekti
wkwkwk efek nonton Nada Untuk Asa mbak Wik, jdnya begitu :"D wah iya harus negatif dong mbak, makanya sebelum nikah don't forget to take HIV test ya mbak for you and your future hubby *wink* *wink*

What makes you really nervous?

Naik gojek pas pulang kantor tadi.
Gila sih, mas-masnya ngajakin nikah karena dia ngeliat jari-jari ku masih polos (ga ada cincinnya). Sampe maksa banget mau pdkt dan ngajak pacaran 5 bulan aja abis itu langsung nikah.
Kalo jalanan kosong mah langsung loncat deh dari motor saat itu juga....
Pas mau sampe rumah, masnya ngomong gini "kamu besok kerja? (sumpah, awalnya padahal aku dipanggil pake mbak) pas pulang telpon aku ya, ku jemput. tapi kamu gausah bayar, kan pdkt".
Ngawur sih itu mas-mas...

What would you do in the first seven days of post-bad-break up?

nissyahb’s Profile Photonissyα hαkαdienny bαssα
Whaaa aku lupa Ca *sotoy* wkwk
Gadeng, diriku hanya berbohong :') jadi ya biasanya gini:
Hari pertama; baca ulang chat/sms pas lg masa-masanya berantem (meyakinkan diri kalo gasalah ambil keputusan)
Hari kedua; ---masih sama---
Hari ketiga; ---masih sama--- ditambah ganti password medsos dan delete foto-foto
Hari keempat; mulai galau dan berujung curhat ke temen (sambil sedikit nangis)
Hari kelima; curhat ke mamake dan dapet pencerahan (tetep, ada nangisnya dikit)
Hari keenam; mulai ga galau dan ga sedih-sedihan
Hari ketujuh; hidup normal lagi~ (meskipun kadang masih keinget)
Yaa gitu deh mbak kira-kira :'D maafkeun kepanjangan, mumpung ga ada kerjaan dan gabisa pulang karena hujan yg sangat deras.

Are you in Love?

yes, I am truly madly deeply in love.
"aku mencintai anak sulungnya" -Dilan.
"terima kasih sudah melahirkan orang yang aku cintai" -Milea.
pict source:
Dilan; Dia Adalah Dilanku Tahun 1990
by Pidi Baiq

If you were candy, what would you be?

I may look like a regular carbonted candy like the others. But when you get to know me (in candy case: eat) I can give you two sensation, the first one is a slight and nice tingling sensation and the second is a freakin' bad tingling sensation that you can't even forget. Watch out! ;)

Which is your favorite song?

Even if we're breaking down, we can find a way to break through
Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through Hell with you
Love, you're not alone, cause I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we can't find heaven, I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through Hell with you
Love, you're not alone, cause I'm gonna stand by you
Rachel Platten - Stand By You
(way more love this song than the "Fight Song")


Language: English