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Latest answers from Dylan

Paul McCartney said: "If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian." What do you think about it?

wtf I always get weirded out with this one like who cares

What is your favorite month of the year?

um February and not cause its jaydens bday month it's cause well everything starts becoming beautiful again like flowers bud and grass shows its beautiful (ohh so that's why jayden was born then all beautiful things had to come :* )

What are you obsessed with?

im obsessed with a lot of things like grades and well my hair jk idnc about my aperince as long as I have jeans and jacket im happy :)

Have you ever stolen anything?

well um *gulp* the light is to bright ......can I get a glass of water..........are recording this........um I think my mom wants me :/

Hi❤️ you liked my answer & i was just wondering if you can ask me a question to please, also a follow would help. I wanna become ask famous & you would be a huge help❤️ Staaaay strong❤️

Aylana Lilly Ozel
sure good luck :)

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