
Edie Wyatt

I am totally in shock, I just read your article, "it happened to me". I could have written that exact same story. That is me, my life is freakishly similar. I am 33 And over the last few years have been on the self discovery road. By 2014, ill be living for the first time as a single lesbian.THANK U

omg that's AWESOME I'm so happy for you!! I'd love to talk more about your story and how you're making it happen, i can be so hard, but it's so worth it, yeah? find me on twitter, let's talk xx

Latest answers from Edie Wyatt

My question is for my younger sister who is 15. My sister just came out to my parents that she is a non-binary transgender and she want to be referred as they now. Anyways my parents never even responded. They told them and it's been three weeks nothing. Where do we go from here. ADVICE??

Hi! We finally answered your question on the podcast, and you can find it here http://bit.ly/NLPep11 (on iTunes), or here http://bit.ly/lezpod11 (on Stitcher). You are an amazing sibling for trying to help your sister through this process. They are lucky to have you!
Here are some resources that might help:
translifeline.org- http://www.translifeline.org/
trans* help-http://trans-help.tumblr.com/
“I Think I Might be Trans…Now What?” Pamphlet (Advocates for Youth)--http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/storage/advfy/documents/transgender.pdf
Resources from PFLAG about supporting Trans family members--https://community.pflag.org/transgender

Just started listening to your podcast. Love your content and how you approach it. Do you have any practical suggestions on how to have a fair fight in my relationship?

We FINALLY answered your Q on Episode 11 of the New Lesbian podcast, which you can find on Stitcher here--http://bit.ly/lezpod11 or on iTunes here--http://bit.ly/NLPep11
Thanks for writing in and listening to the show! xx

did you guys break up? your vibe is more friendly now on the new episode? maybe TMI but I was wondering why you guys stopped pod-casting?

Hey, we answered your question in the newest episode of the podcast, you can find it here bit.ly/lezpod10 (stitcher) or here bit.ly/lezep10 (iTunes). Thanks writing in, and for listening xx

I am 27, have been with my boyfriend for 7 years & we have a child together. Lately, I've been having mixed feelings about my sexuality. It's like women are all I can think about for the past year & I'm almost repulsed by men at this point. I feel guilty because of our daughter, any advice?

Hi! We answered your question in the newest episode of the podcast, you can find it here bit.ly/lezpod10 (stitcher) or here bit.ly/lezep10 (iTunes). I hope we were at least a *little* helpful-please write again and let us know how things are going xx

Are you a Gold Star lesbian? (Just in case you don't know what it means, a Gold Star lesbian is a lesbian that has never had sex with a guy and would never have any intentions of ever doing so)

Ermmmm I feel like you haven't read anything I've ever written? Which is cool, but....yeah,I was married to a man and started dating women at 30, so I'm definitely not a "gold star" lesbian. But I also don't so much understand why that's a thing? It seems like just another box when there are already too many boxes. Just my opinion though.

just discovered your podcast it's brilliant!

Thank youuuu! Forgot my login for this for awhile so just saw this comment. Thanks for listening and I SWEAR Elle and I will be back to podcasting soon! xx

Hi Edie, jus wondering- I how did you and Elle meet? Not sure if you addressed this but it seems like you two are very close friends. Did you know each other for a while? I am asking each other because I have seen a lot of articles recently about women falling love with their close friends.

Hiya, we answered your question on the newest episode of the New Lesbian Podcast, so check it out here (http://www.stitcher.com/s?eid=35264472&refid=stpr) or at newlesbianpodcast.wordpress.com (starting about 20 minutes in). Thanks for writing, and for listening!

Hi Elle and Edie!! I'm Ana and I love your show. I am moving out of state with my gf of 1 year and am nervous about moving in with her. We both have never lived with anybody before. Do y'all have any advice? The stress of a move, finding new work, and new living arrangements is overwhelming. Thanks!

Hello! We answered your question (or tried to!) in the newest episode of the New Lesbian Podcast (starting around 19:30) so listen to it here (http://www.stitcher.com/s?eid=35264472&refid=stpr) or at newlesbianpodcast.wordpress.com (Episode 6). Hope it helps, and let us know how things go!

I'm a 23 year old lesbian and I came out two years ago. I just went on my first date last week (and my second date last night) and I'm dealing with a lot of fears. I don't know if I like her romantically because I'm so scared. I don't know if I'm ready for any kind of intimacy, even kissing. Help?

Hello lovely! We answered this question on the newest episode (Ep 4) of the New Lesbian podcast, so you can listen to our thoughts here (around minute 16) (or find the show on iTunes, Stitcher, Soundcloud, etc): http://newlesbianpodcast.wordpress.com/2014/08/02/episode-4-going-down-south
But in case you can't listen right now, here's a summary of our thoughts: It all really depends on what specifically you’re scared of. Is it that you’re not ready for physical intimacy, is it that you’re feeling that if you really start dating then you’re gonna be REALLY out, or is it just dating in general? Or, is it nervousness about not knowing what to do in terms of the physical stuff? Overall, regardless of what exactly your fears are about, if you’re feeling not ready for something, then respect that and give yourself time to figure things out. Fairer to you and whoever you’re dating. But congrats on the first and second dates, and you're being brave for putting yourself out there at all!
Write us back if this answer doesn’t help you at all and let us know more specifically what you’re feeling scared of and we'll try to help! I can talk a lot about how to try to have fun with dating, if that's what you need!

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