
Elizabeth Hollies

Ask @ekhfreeby

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Are you Welsh or English?

Well, I was born in Wales, but I live in England. 3 of my grandparents were born in England, 1 was born in Wales. My mum was born in Wales, my dad was born in England.

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judging and pointing out flaws is pretty much the same thing and tbh you started off by saying i listen to crap music so i said i didnt like your taste so no you point out the flaws first and i carried on

Sian, judging and pointing out floors are very different. You're really pissing me off now, with your pointless shit, so I'm gonna block you, both on here, and in real life. Goodbye Sian Fowler.

bull !!! all you ever do is judge every ones taste in music then get all stressy when they say the same to you so no you treat everyone like shit but im the only one that has the balls to tell you how every ones feels you dont no who many people pop up to telling me to say half of the things i do

I don't judge the music, people always say shit about my music, so I point out the flaws in theirs.

because you dont exactly act like a friend half of the time you judge everything and everyone i care about the people who care about me not the ones treat me like shit sorry

I only treated you like shit when you treated me like shit. I treat people how they treat me

if it comes to my friends yes i care nobody messes with them and gets away with it sorry

You didn't care about me.

do you realise how long it would take me to go through all my messages to get to those ones ?

If you care enough to argue about it, you care enough to go through the messages

naa bro we aint making up lies she told me everything you said about me when you were at bath

Oh yeah, what did she say then??

loads libby especially when we were in brownies. if you hadnt bitched about me you and jen wouldnt have fallen out. so dont make out that its her fault !

When did I bitch about you? You two are just making up lies

YES YOU DO LIBBY YOU HAVE BROKEN LOADS OF PROMISES! she thought i had a right to no with i did tbh you got something to say say it to my face please. stop bitching about my friends please love

What promises have I broken then Sian?


I've never said that, but at least I don't break promises or betray friends

jen told me about the conversation actually. she tried her best with you !

Another reason for me not to trust her, the last few sentences said in that conversation were 'promise not to tell Sian?' 'I promise, if you'll promise not to say anything either' 'kay'

well you tell every one else that the cutting was because of lostprophets how can me saying i dont like your taste in music cause you to cut ? cause thats the only thing i do! and jen does understand you you dont understand her though she told me what you said cause she though it would help !!!!!!!

Thats not why I started cutting Sian, and if you knew the conversation me and Jen had in Bath, you would know why I feel betrayed

okay im not saying to stay with us i just wanted to no how i feel your not the only one with a crap life libby i have to i just donr complain about it. okay if i have hurt you mentally im sorry but i havent hurt you physically? no !! jen hasnt hurt you she tried to be a good friend to both of us

Because of you I had to find an emotional outlet; cutting.
Jen has betrayed me, and when we were in Bath we had a long talk about stuff like this, and I thought that she understood me, I thought I understood her, and I thought I could trust her.
That talk was a waste of an hour.

can you look at what i sent you on your "dawn green" account please?? trust me its nice (for a change) im saying sorry ?

sian fowler
Doesn't make a difference. All the people I've talked to say that I should move on from you and Jen. You two have hurt me and I have the scars to prove it, physically and mentally. Its like walking away from a fight and then starting the next one. Hypocritical.

wooowwww calm down christ libby mum mum would have gone ape if i said what you just said. and you never no i might i runs in the family. and what do you expect you dis everyone elses taste in music so yes they are gunna do the same to you see libby you dish it all out but you cat take it can you !

I don't 'dis' them, I point out the flaws, using evidence and facts.

you make out your life is soo bad but tbh so what you have a family that love you and that are alive you hve a roof over your head clean cloths and water and food there are people out there who would do anything to hve your life so what if a few people dont like you.

A few people? Nobody likes me, and if they do, they are shit at showing it.
I'm not saying my life is bad, my mental health is bad.

okay right that was you sisters life NOT yours tbh libby your parents are like only 4 years older than mine. k my bro smokes and so does my mum they have both stolen on me to pay for it both my mum aand bro have had depression and we re pretty sure my dads got it

Still, are you the one who might have to go to the doctors about your mental health?
I want to die. Everything I thought I knew has been fucked up. Only one of my friends is supporting me. She doesn't believe the same as me, but she's appreciating my opinion, which is more than can be said for the rest of you cunts.

dont say that i made you cut either cause i no for a fact you scratched the lostprophets sign that has nothing to do with me and you could have at least said thank you to meg. you dont no how good you have it compared to people in places like africa so dont make out that im the bad guy here

sian fowler
I only cut that because I wanted something challenging, to try and stop me from doing it. I never said I was comparing me to people in places like Africa. I could try and recite the 4 hour long conversations I've had to have about this if you really want, but tbh, I can't be bothered to explain myself to you

okay its sian now i dont no who asked you all those questions but it wasnt me. nice to no how you feel about me. dont say i have caused your depression cause i havent unless the truth hurts that much. just ignore me if you hate me that much cause trust me libby your life is so much better then mine

sian fowler
I was talking to my dad, and my life isn't better than yours, its 10 years older than yours. When my sister was our age, both my parents worked, my dad smoked and they lived in a tiny estate house. Its because of that that I live where I live, only my mum works and my dad doesn't smoke. My parents are old enough to be my grandparents, and they will die long before most people's in our year. However, my family have a streak of stress and depression. People you think are your friends acting like total bitches is one of the things that brings them out into the open.


Language: English