
Eleanor Bond

Ask @el3anorxo

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Welcome sweetie:) and ahh somehow i don't rly think they'd be too pleased if you turned up with purple hair:') you should try it like when you're at college or whatever

yeah haha yolo!!

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I thought it looked lovely when it was dip dyed :P and yeah totally, i'd say go for it aha. Is your school like rly strict about dying hair or..?

Aw thank you!! erm I wouldn't say strict about hair colour but it has it's limits, so you cant push it if you know what I mean,

Do you use liquid eyeliner? and whats the silvery white stuff that you put above it?? sorry i just love how you do your eye make up lol

Don't be sorry, I love make-up so I don't mind sharing tips etc.. yeah I use liquid eyeliner and just a light pink eyeshadow as a base before I do my eyeliner

oooooh right, isnt your hair dip dyed then? and omfg lilac/light blue hair would look so awesome on you

I did try and dip dye it but I didn't want to go too light and then everyone started doing it so I didn't want to be the same as everyone else, and you really think so ahah?

omg shit i thought it was like twitter n you could bring it back if you wanted :O nrly deleted mine as well ahaha. N good luck bab x

no hahaha and thanks sugarplum x

oh i thought you dyed it like that! lmao

no ahaha my ends are lighter from when I use to have red in my hair, so that's why the light made it look that way

Aw what a bitch :L just try and get your followers back on IG? like you're sooo beautiful ofc you'll get loads :)) and so if i deleted my IG it would be like gone forever????? x

aw thank you!! I'm gonna try but it's bloody hard hahaha, and yeah once you delete it, it's gone forever x

how come the hair on one side of your head is lighter than the other?? xD

oh ahah it's the light and filter on the photo

Who are your fav people from X1 and X2 that arent your friends?

They know who they are, it's too long to write them all out

What did that person do on the accounts

Pretending to be me by using all my pictures, talking to people using my identity, but it was obviously not me because they acted completely opposite. Basically they were acting like a stalker and it really was pathetic.

Why did you delete them?

Because some rude cow decided to make loads of fake accounts of me, who the hell they thought they were I don't know, and I gave them a chance to own up, without me being mad, and did they NO. I'm pissed of that I've had to delete my account because of them, clearly I can't trust anyone

Dont you have IG anymore?

yeah I do, I just deleted the old one and made a new one but I've got hardly any followers so it's shit lol


Language: English