

oh right he's Nicholson's favourite guy. right.

LOL not just that haha I honestly think mark is not only naturally pretty smart but also an extremely hard worker. He talks big but at the end of the day he does deserve all the 7s that he gets
anyone that gets 15/20 from ms branson is smart according to me Dx

Latest answers from Eleanor

What do you use to draw your brows (whats the brand and what shade is it in? :))

Tarte Amazonian clay waterproof brow pencil in rich brown to define and then I use the chocolate shade from the natural eyes palette by too faced to fill in the gaps :):)

Hey eleanor:) Did you buy your pens alr for the exams haha can you take a pic of them please! Just curious!

SORRY totally forgot about this Q
I just buy black inky pens from popular in packs!

I'm grade 11 and all I hear of him is praises and non stop compliments about his smartness. I don't get how someone can be so smart. is it really 7s for everything?

It's not so much about his pure smartness that is "praise worthy" so to speak but rather the well roundedness of his school life (he's got that whole senior council pres-debate captain thing going on)
I only share a Chinese class with him and I know he does well in that but our history classes are so small and tight that we kind of all know everything about each other
Which is why I know he got a 7 for something

thinking about it, mark gets the highest marks for hist but how much exactly?

It depends on whether you're going back the SL mark scheme or the HL mark scheme
On the SL side I think he's scored some of the highest (though I know many other people have as well) but on the HL side I'm very certain he has scored the highest from Ms Branson (not counting Guineys scoring) and amongst the two HL classes

who is the top in your grade?

Hahaha that is a tough question because I think there are several deserving people but from where I stand I'd have to say mark

hey eleanor (: what pen do you use for examinations/writing long essays? Could u take a pic? ^^ good luck for mocks!

Umm the pens I usually use just ran out of ink today after history paper 3 aahahahaha so I need to get more
But I get them from popular !!

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