

do you ever get tired of fighting with other wolves who tresspass your land all the time,Kyungsoo?

yes all the fucking time. omfg it was almost fun the first time but then they kept trespassing more and more and they just wont fucking get out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
idm jadzia so much anymore, it wasnt her idea to try and STEAL LAND THAT DOESNT FUCKING BELONG TO HER but still shes an enemy atm because she still associates herself with her dads pack, but not for much longer i think now that she's seen our side of it

Latest answers from thatweirdo

what are you favourite things about Kyungsoo, Jongin

Well I absolutely love him in general, but one of my favourite things about him is how he doesn't back down. Sometimes it's really annoying, but it's a trait I really admire too.
Also he is super hot ;)

what if kyungsoo ran away with jongin... ;)

Kyungsoo draws to a standstill as he draws nearer to the castle, wiping tears away. He misses him so much already that it's like his chest is being torn open.
No. This isn't good enough, he thinks. He can't give up Jongin, he's the only thing that's made being alive worthwhile for a long time. They can run, make a new life together somewhere far away where no one will know who they are.
Turning on his heels he flees in the opposite direction, back where he came, dopo flying out behind him in watery ripples. Frantic, he sprints the trail back to Jongin, ridding himself of his expensive noble clothing as he goes. He pushes startled villagers aside in his haste, his only thoughts only of Jongin.
"Where is he, where is he?" He whispers, desperate to find him. He trips over some boxes in his haste, causing a mess, but he barely even registers the pain. Back in the side alley that Kyungsoo first met Jongin in, Kyungsoo almost falls over again and bursts through the door to his home.
Jongin is sat in the corner with his knees held against his chest, face hidden from view. He looks up when Kyugnsoo barges in, eyes swollen red and damp.
"I changed my mind, I'm not marrying this princess. Let's run. Please, we can be together if we go now,"
"Huh?" Jongin asks dumbly, rubbing his face and hiccuping. Kyungsoo crouches in front of him and takes his hands, pulling him into his arms. He hold him tight, wishing they could merge together and become one being. Jongin squeezes him back, fisting his clothes and sniffling quietly.
"Come with me," Kyungsoo proposes, "let's get away from here,"
"W-where will we go?"
"I don't know. Somewhere far away. Overseas maybe. Will you come?" Kyungsoo gets lower, and lifts Jongin's chin so he's looking him in the eyes, "please?" His voice breaks as he pleads.
"Yes. Yes, Kyungsoo," he breathes, leaning in closer until their lips touch once more,
"Good. Hurry and find some spare clothes. Meet me at nightfall outside the city boundaries. Do you know where the south bridge is?" Jongin nods, "I'll see you there, I love you," Kyungsoo kisses him one last time before he leaves.
- 15 years later
"Jongin?" Kyungsoo calls out. No response. Kyungsoo sighs, and rolls up his sleeves, readying himself to go and search for the slumbering man.
He finds him asleep under a tree, dappled sunlight falling across his face. He doesn't have the heart to wake him, even though they should be working on the pottery together. Its popular here, in Japan, the locals not used to Korean ceramic styles.
Kyungsoo sits cross-legged next to him, and stares unabashedly at his lover. He has no regrets, and he couldn't be happier with his life right now. He takes in Jongin's soft eyelashes that brush against his golden cheek, his loose hair and how his poorly tied yukata hangs open to reveal warm skin and is glad that he ran away. A small noise alerts him to his awakening, before he opens his eyes and stretches.
"Ah, Kyungsoo, there you are." Jongin smiles fondly

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greetings, chanbaek in forgetting about sarah marshall alternative universe. because i think chanbaek would fit that movie to be honest, thank you! 😘

ok im going to have to say no on the grounds that i dont have a clue what that is and i dont have much time to read books or watch movies for fic inspiration at the moment
sorry ^^;

selukaisoo foursome. luhan and kyungsoo were busy playing with each other that they didn't notice their boyfriends are back. - u - i have no shame.

omg do you know how complicated foursomes are to write?? why would you do this to me
Sehun and Jongin made their way to Jongin's home after work. Sehun's boyfriend would already be there waiting, and Sehun was looking forward to catching up with everyone, especially Kyungsoo, since he hadn't seen him in ages.
Grinning to each other, Sehun and Jongin toed off their shoes and hung their coats up but paused when they heard a noise from the living room. Jongin looked up at him, frowning. It sounded like a groan, but not one of pain. Suspicious and whispering at each other to shut up, they peered around the door.
Kyungsoo was lying on his back on the sofa, his shirt covering his face while Luhan-also naked- jerked him off, hands sliding up and down Kyungsoo's erect member. Jongin gasped.
That was definitely not what Sehun had expected, though somehow he didn't feel like he thought you were supposed to when confronted with the knowledge that your special someone was cheating on you. No, he felt... lucky.
Suddenly Jongin pushed open the door, causing it to slam against the wall, and strode over to the sofa. Kyungsoo sat up in shock, but on seeing Jongin smiled and reached his arms out for a hug, not seeming to mind that he'd been caught in a compromising position with someone else.
Jongin stood there and stared at him, completely befuddled.
"What...are you doing?" He mumbled.
"Waiting for you two to get back," Luhan interjected, looking over to Sehun and beckoning him closer.
"I don't understand," Jongin looked between the two of them, and then at Sehun. Luhan rolled his eyes,
"We want a foursome,"
"That's ok...right?" Kyungsoo gently touched Jongin's stomach. Jongin blinked rapidly. Up till now he'd been trying to avoid looking at either of their exposed bodies, but now he allowed his eyes to rove over his boyfriend's bare torso, and Luhan's. He nodded, hesitantly. Sehun found himself smirking; Jongin always was the most reserved of all of them, despite his confident façade.
"Great!" Luhan rejoiced, "now kiss each other," he ordered, pointing at the two tallest. Shrugging, Sehun reeled him in and leaned closer to Jongin. They had dated briefly in middle school, but that was almost ten years ago now, and they had changed a lot, so it felt both familiar and new as their lips touched.
All it took was a smack on the ass from Luhan to make them kiss harder, tongues tangling. From behind, Kyungsoo pressed his body up against Jongin's back and started sucking hickies onto his neck, fingers dipping into his waistband. Luhan was much more salacious, rapidly unbuckling Jongin's belt and yanking his jeans down, allowing for Kyungsoo to slip his hand into his underwear. Jongin moaned into Sehun's mouth, and Sehun felt his own jeans tightening.
With kiss bruised lips, Sehun pulled away,
"Maybe we should take this to the bedroom, yeah?"
scroll down pervs

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foursome part 2

They all were tripping over each other in their haste to get to Kyungsoo and Jongin's double bed, but it was Jongin who fell backwards onto the bed, only wearing black boxers, since his shirt had been removed by someone on the way. Sehun, too, was only wearing boxers.
Kyungsoo quickly produced a bottle of lube, and poured it onto Luhan fingers,
"Prepare Jongin," he said, stroking his hand over his boyfriend's thigh soothingly. Luhan tore off Jongin's boxers and pushed one leg up so his knee was touching his chest, before inserting one finger smoothly, and driving it in and out. Jongin made a small endearing noise, but covered his mouth so it didn't happen again. Sehun had no idea his best friend was so cute in bed, and made it his personal mission for the night to get him to be as loud as possible. He reached over to to tweak his nipples, then thought better of it, ducking down to tease him with his mouth instead.
"Feel good?" Luhan asked, now pumping two fingers in and out of him, while Kyungsoo simultaneously prepared himself and stroked Jongin's cock. Unable to resist, Sehun touched himself to the sight.
"Sehun," Kyungsoo groaned, "kneel up. A little to the left," Sehun followed his instructions well, and ended up kneeling just above Jongin's head, and was a little surprised when Kyungsoo turned around and kneeled with hes knees either side of his boyfriend's face, and bent over so he was crouched over him.
"Fuck me, Sehun," Kyungsoo commanded. Who was Sehun to say no to that?
Pulling apart his ass cheeks to reveal his slick hole, he made eye contact Luhan. His boyfriend was still slowly preparing Jongin, but he was watching Sehun's cock with dark eyes. As he pushed in, Kyungsoo moaned loudly, and Jongin echoed the cry, Luhan having found his prostate at last.
"Sehun, you're so big," Kyungsoo appreciated, then yelped after Jongin pinched his thigh, "Jealous?"
"Yeah, ahhh," he confessed. Sehun paid him no mind and started to drag his hips back, only to throw them forward. Kyungsoo cried out in shock, being shunted down the bed a little. Concerned, Jongin groped his boyfriend's thighs, but Kyungsoo just shut his eyes and moaned again when Sehun started to fuck him faster.
Deciding that Jongin was well enough prepared now, Luhan put on a condom, slicked himself up with lots of lube, and pushed his cock into Jongin ass, humming. He locked eyes with Sehun, wishing he could reach to kiss him, but they were too far away. Instead, he endeavoured to pound Jongin as best he could, hard and slow with a distinct slap each time his balls connected with his skin.
Above Jongin, the sight of his boyfriend's ass being violated combined with the feeling of Luhan's cock inside him had him almost ready to combust. Kyungsoo's voice was a huge turn on, and Sehun's style of sex made him louder than usual. His head lolled back, and his back arched as he neared climax only to be stopped when Luhan gripped his cock tightly, not allowing him to come.

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foursome part 3 -_-

"No! Lu-han!" He whined, voice broken by Luhan still driving his cock into him like a jackhammer. Kyungsoo chuckled as Sehun slowed his pace, languidly drawing his hips back and forth, tired now. Sweat trickled down his forehead, and he leaned forward to find Kyungsoo's nipples, dragging his nails over them. Kyungsoo pushed his ass back, trying to get more friction, and Sehun stopped again to smooth his hands over the plush cheeks. He looked up at Luhan, who was red faced and looked
Kyungsoo ducked down, drawing Jongin into his mouth and bobbing his head, making the dark skinned moan even louder than before. Sehun chose now as a good time to pick up the pace, and Kyungsoo yelped as the force from Sehun driving his hips forward pushed him further onto Jongin's cock, until his nose was touching his pubic hair, and his eyes were watering.
"Sehun," Jongin tried to warn him that Kyungsoo wasn't good at deepthroating, but it came out like a moan. Kyungsoo closed his eyes, he'd never had fantasies of being full in both ends but after tonight he was probably going to. He moaned around his boyfriend's cock loudly, not caring that tears were gathering in the corners of his eyes, and choked as Jongin came down his throat, back arching and groaning gutturally.
Luhan stopped fucking him after he came, pulling out, leaving Jongin spent underneath him, panting loudly.
"Kyungsoo?" He asked, pulling off the condom and tossing it aside. Kyungsoo nodded, and held his mouth open, not caring that Jongin's come was dribbling over his lips like something from an especially obscene porn video.
Luhan tangled his fingers in Kyungsoo's hair and guided him to his cock, watching with fascination as his thick lips stretched over his girth. He looked up at Sehun, and he nodded, agreeing without having to say a thing.
When Sehun pulled out, Luhan pushed in, trying not to make him gag. And with Jongin tugging on his cock Kyungsoo knew he wasn't going to last much longer. Not five seconds after he thought that, his abs tightened and he came all over his boyfriend, moaning. Sehun, if possible, moved even faster, before pulling out, and coming with a grunt on Kyungsoo's ass.
Breathing heavily, Sehun crawled closer to his boyfriend, and kissed him deeply, the way he liked it, not wasting time with chastity. Whining into his boyfriend's mouth, Luhan came on Jongin's legs, Kyungsoo jerking him off.
Satiated and sleepy, the two of them collapsed next to Jongin, and Kyungsoo on top of him, not caring that he was lying in a pool of his own juices.
"We should do that again," Jongin sighed rubbing the curve of Kyungsoo's bottom.
"Yeah, but not right now," Kyungsoo promised. Luhan and Sehun agreed.
i hope you are happy perverts

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can i request where baekhyun has a superstition that when he sneezes someone wants to kiss him and chanyeol thinks it's the cutest thing ever whilst his classmates are over it.

Sehun rolled his eyes as Baekhyun sneezed again. He was convinced he was just doing it for the attention: ever since he'd announced that he believed that every time someone sneezed they should receive a kiss, he'd been doing it practically non-stop all day. It was utter rubbish, of course. They weren't even real sneezes! Who would want to kiss a bogey infested sick person, after all?
His boyfriend, on the other hand, thought it was adorable, and found a new place to plant his lips every single time: his forehead, his nose, cheeks, eyelids- he had yet to kiss his lips yet, but Sehun was sure that when it happened he'd vomit. They were so sickeningly cute.
"Achoo!" There he went again, and the giggle that followed after it meant that Chanyeol had kissed him.
"Oh my god," he complained to Jongin, who was sat next to him.
"I know right. It's gross. And stupid," he agreed.
"I heard that!" Chanyeol called across the classroom, making them both freeze. While usually a huge puppy dog, he could on occasion be as intimidating as hell.
"Achoo!" Baekhyun fake sneezed again, distracting him, and both Sehun and Jongin sagged in their seats, unable to believe Chanyeol was actually falling for this. Maybe he just wanted an excuse to kiss him. Either way it was disgusting, Sehun concluded.

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/waits for prt 1

i posted it honest but then it disappeared and i was too tired to rewrite it because it was 3:30 am and i can't remember much of it now im so sorry :( i should have saved it elsewhere too.....
it was mostly jongin being shy and stuff

Language: English