
Ella Annisa

Ask @ella_annisa

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Why do people lie?

Hmm maybe people think lie is the best choice to decided something. But the real it doesnt.

What is the worst gift you have ever received?

Nothin. Bcz every gift that ever given to me is value, and gift is the best thing that we never ask to have it.
But, dont you mind if you give me a gift for 14 July?😛😛
Liked by: Nurul Hasanah

sebutkan peristiwa yang sering kamu lakukan saat kelas 9... yang buat kamu kangen ama spentig...jawab ya kakak-kakak

Miss bu emje😩😂

apa pendapat kalo bersekolah di sma swasta al-ulum? atau hikmatul fadillah? mana lebih bagus?

Aku prefer ke negri sih, tapi kalo antara al ulum sama hikmatul ya mending al ulum sih, menurut akuya.


Language: English