

Ask @ellendarcy

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What books do you plan to read?

A song of ice and fire (all of them... pray i have the money... and the time)
The sword of summer
Kane chronicles
Chamber of secrets
Goblet of fire
Order of the phoenix
Half-blood prince
The heir
All fall down
Pride and prejudice (half finished it. Life got in the way)
Братья карамазовы (bu thera taunya ini, gatau brothers karamazov)
Every Alice i havent read
Basically anything by Uncle Rick, Austen, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, and Chekhov
Oh, and everything on my tbr list
. . .
Pray i can finish this super important task before i die
. . .
. . .
Sorry for the enthusiasm

What qualities do you value the most in your friends?

I'm beyond grateful they're still with me after years of hang out rejection and lack of emotional support.

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kangen ga sama guaa wkwk

wah lin coba lu dateng kemaren, anjir itu soal TO paling ketay parah
trus, kangen ga sama lu? hmmmmmmmm

How do you think the world will look in 100 years?

no. the real question is will there be a world to see in 100 years?

What is your idea of a great holiday or vacation?

Food, books, laptop or computer with internet connection. I'm a girl with simple needs

Which city would you choose as capital of the world?

What makes you think the world would need a capital city


Language: English